
>Looks like a K-pop star 10/10 handsome
>over 6ft
>has a body that anyone would salivate
>Has a nice dick

>Beautiful girl chooses the scrawny introvert nerd

How realistic is this?

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Realistic in manga sense because the ugly loser self insert always has to win to not make the nip otaku feel insecure

i find all the characters in this arc ugly and they all share the same face


You don't understand the human heart

Like don’t get me wrong I like Okarun but I just find it funny how this man is bagging chicks left and right. He has both Momo and Aira. Shit is not realistic.

>that bulge

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One guy looks like a standard celebrity

The other guy satisfies your sexual kink

If you don't know what I am talking about, I suggest rereading chapter 1

>grew up with her

extremely realistic. look up the statistics on that

>manga about ghosts, magic powers and space aliens

retard ass nigga

Look at this self inset right here

>he has the same name as a guy I find attractive
>I must find him attractive too
so deep

The guy is a basic bitch and an idiot, Evil Eye is the most interesting thing about him. Okarun is a dork but he shares Momo's passions for weird shit and has been gaining mad confidence all this time, so it's not exactly surprising that she's developed something if a crush on him. No idea what Aira sees in him though

Her ideal man is Ken Takakura. Gay k pop man looks like a fag and isn't handsome at all compared to young ken takakura.

>No idea what Aira sees in him though
Aira just followed him to try and find something to spite Momo. She only developed feelings for him after the Acro-Silky incident and later, the alien attack on the school.

I agree that Jiji was quite basic in his introduction, but I do think the Evil Eye arc gave him some good development. In that sense he’s similar to Aira and how she has developed.

These moments itself really made like the character a lot.

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Because he's no Takakura Ken.

>Looks like a fag
>endorses Okarun

Ken looks like everyday soiboy. At least Jiji has a well define body.


Naw Aira having a crush on Okarun feels so forced. Like I can see why Momo does but Aira’s feels like the author wanted to have readers self insert as Okarun even more.

It feels unnecessary like just ship her with Jiji or someone else.

damn you got on his ass nigga.
gave me a good chuckle.

Manga started out great but is kinda boring now

I hope you’re both being sarcastic. Realistic characterization has nothing to do with the realism is the setting.

Serious answer, she recognizes that he is very handsome (she had a crush on him for a while), but they know each other since they were kids and she knows what his real personality is like. I don't think she dislikes that part of him, but instead knows that he is not just a handsome guy. I think she sees their relationship as purely friendship, while Jiji is looking for something more but is too silly to give a decent effort.

It would feel more unrealistic in my opinion if he didn't have such a silly personality and they'd just met each other in high school. Because they've been friends for such a long time I think bonds like that then to cement in their position and are difficult to shift into something else.