You hate battle anime because they're "entry level garbage"

>you hate battle anime because they're "entry level garbage"
>you hate romcoms because they're "wish fulfillment garbage"
>you hate isekai because it's "generic garbage"
>you hate ecchi because it's "coomer garbage"

Is there anything you actually like?

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user... who are you talking to?

Not shitty nail edits, that's for sure.

I hate their fans.

I just like anything that doesnt have fan service

Detective fiction, obviously.

>Is there anything you actually like?
yes Evangelion


I like some battle and romcom (or otherwise romance) manga. I just don't read the shit in WSJ or the romcoms that Any Forums obsesses over. I avoid isekai generally just because I don't find the concept very interesting and because so many of them are adapted from the bottom of the barrel that is the LN industry, especially the part of it that spits out all those gimmicky isekai that I frequently see brought up, but for instance I did read Magic Knight Rayearth. I don't usually read ecchi manga unless the other aspects of it seem interesting.

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I am currently watching and enjoying made in abyss
anything with genuine struggle, mystery and action with no shitty romance is okay in my book

Battle anime, romcoms, isekai, and ecchi.

I don’t read or watching anything with sex in it.


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I watch anime with good action, good romance, and hot women.

I haven't watched anything in years.

I only watch works by Anno because they transcend the genre. Or anything by Takahashi.

I'm a bitch for drama and themes bigger than a man(and his mundane problems)

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i'm growing increasingly fond of shows where nothing happens

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I don't hate any of that. The only thing I hate is 20 year old shounenshit like Naruto and Fairy Tale because too many people in the west (including myself not so long ago) believe it's representative of anime as a whole.
They wind up watching stupid hollywood crap because "there's nothing else on" missing out on the incredible variety that anime has to offer these days.

yeah NTR

I cant get into Abyss.
But on paper I'm a Spider ticks all your boxes. It really doesn't get the love it deserves.

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I'm the opposite. There's barely anything I wouldn't like. I can watch absolutely anything. You would have to be cosmic garbage to make me say it's bad, and even then.

I loved this one, wish it was longer

yeah I watched the anime and quite liked it also until like episode 17 where animations dips in quality

I skipped battle anime and went straight into the other 3 which I love

Magical girl shows.
