ITT: The worst pages in manga

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Can’t believe Saitama nutted inside Genos

New chapter out? where to read?

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Why do I always see this page with the words taken out

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These threads have literally never been anything but complete shit.

Worst MC of all time

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If you make a thread about shitty content the quality of said thread is going to be as shitty as the content

Because the same spic keeps posting it

Yea, doesnt help that faggots make these same template threads almost daily

t. Pissfag or Herotard


It would be fine if it was actually bad pages from bad manga but it’s 99% people just complaining about popular series.

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anyone have the version of this but it's chiaozu jumping on nappa

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Wow...Dragon Ball is so smart...
Like a soft seinen...

The real problem is that it's just the same shounen pages posted over and over.

I love how much these pages make chuds seethe.