>has the power of retcon
>author realizes this power is outrageously OP
>gets nerfed, benched, and reduced to mcguffin
Orihime got robbed.
>big bad literally absorbs the power of God
>her God-Defying powers are basically useless
super robbed
And yet she still won.
Like, I get it, having one of the main characters running around going "Nah, that didn't happen." and retroactively foiling the villain's plans would break the story in half. But it would be a hell of a lot more interesting than what we got. Plus, it would be fucking hilarious.
Kill yourself Bleachtard
>its another "retard uses words he doesnt know the meaning of" episode
>getting unfairly shat on for decades
>it would be a hell of a lot more interesting
Why do the people with the stupidest ideas have the most confident in them?
Power in bleach depends on reiatsu and Orihime isn't strong in that aspdct.
Bleach haters unironically think of themselves as the best writers in the world.
Her power was stated to not be tied to her reiatsu but be a literal cheat power thats held back only by her fears, self-doubt and lack of mettle
She should listen to more Rammstein, then.
Also, my name is blue because this thread sucks.
Reiatsu also plays a role. The hole Ulquiorra blasted through ichigo's chest was covered with his reiatsu which was blocking orihimes ability from recovering it.
Wish Himefags would forget about shipping and analyze the character objectively for once.
They never want to.
Yeah, I wonder why.
Cope IRniggers