Just rewatched this and honestly i think the ending left something to be desired...

Just rewatched this and honestly i think the ending left something to be desired. Ryuko honestly should have gone out with Senketsu. It would have been a much more compelling end to her arc and made the most sense.

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>honestly i think the ending left something to be desired

Bruh the whole anime left something to be desired.

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How would she date an article of clothing?

I mean died with him.

This, it really went downhill on the second half.

I still hang onto my autistic headcanon that Senketsu survived since he wasn't cut with scissors

It reminded me of the Gurren Lagan time skip. The first half was amazing, but the second half flopped hard. It was just silly and not really interesting. It was like

>how ridiculous can we make this and show more pussy and tits.

Honestly if they ever did a follow up i would accept if he lived but was floating in space. He sent the scissors back down to Ryuko after all.

it's your fault for not rewatching it exclusively for Satsuki

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Satsuki was nice but i still like Ryuko. Though i did think it was neat that both of their strong resolves/stubbornness foreshadowed the twist. Wish we could have seen more of them as sisters.

She basically did for the bulk of the show

Based yarndere.

Trigger is a bunch of fucking hacks. If they had any sense the IF would have been about Satsuki telling Ryuko the truth from the start like she said she should have in the anime.

It's interesting how much more of a protagonist she is on a rewatch. Episode 16's bath scene and the subsequent betrayal doesn't seem shocking at all, for example. It doesn't make the first half weaker though because Ryuko's mostly fighting Satsuki very early on, then clubs / the Elite Four / Nui.

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Did you watch episode 25?

A girl needs to move on from her sailor uniform someday, user

SeeRyuko should have died along with Senketsu and the rest of the life fibers, leaving Satsuki behind.


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Nigga both of them being protags was literally the point

I know, user. But knowing that from the beginning made the experience of watching the show different because what had been "villain meets with her subordinates" scenes became "protagonist meets with her friends" scenes.

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Honestly this is one of the reasons i think Would be interesting. It would have been neat to see how Satsuki letting Ryuko into her circle would have changed things. Bonus points if nudist beach is also upfront and trying to pit her against Satsuki.