TL out
Amagami-san Chi no Enmusubi
Kevin Campbell
Jason Ortiz
Julian Foster
Yuna won.
Christopher Hernandez
Christian Butler
Ethan Ortiz
Alexander Thomas
Thomas Myers
>the main girl tsundere is winning
I love this trope.
Zachary King
Jordan Taylor
Christopher Brooks
I mean, next arc will be for another girl and we'll be saying that girl is winning. And then it will be another's arc, and that girl will be winning and son on.
Jonathan Lopez
Adam Peterson
Filthy phoneposting scum.
Charles Sanders
Sebastian Gray
Easton Cruz
Ian Perry
Sex with Yuna
Robert Nelson
Henry Martinez
Oliver Lopez
Next big arc is mystery girl and the reveal that Uryuu is an Amagami already so he doesn't need to marry anyone to inherit the shrine
Nathaniel Bell
Isaac Watson