What the fuck did I just watch?
What the fuck did I just watch?
a work by Satoshi Kon
Other great works of his Tokyo godfathers, Paprika, Perfect blue etc. The guy was a god-tier animator/director.
paranoia agent
Link Click Ripoff.
It was padded shit, though I enjoyed the references to Dragon Quest and the ost.
Its in the category of 2deep4u films... not usually seen in the west outside of college films
It hurts knowing they're both gone.
I fucking HATED the dq episode
That is paranoia agent. I am a anime expert.
Wait. So this is Robin Williams' copy of the DVD signed by Kon and it's now owned by some random? How did this picture come about?
That's the worst episode by far, though.
The young detective is actually crazy and he made it all up in his head because he's mentally insane.
The title is on the poster, dumbass.
mousou dairinin, it seems.