This is basically a girly rapechad romance story but the rapechad is now a loli.
>Sexually harassing, smug, machiavellian rapechad love interest
>Kind, hardworking protagonist
>Good guy rival to the rapechad that only exists to lose
>Short netorare drama arc to make the protagonist realize his feelings, but it was all a misunderstanding, — classic trope.
>Conflicted internal monologs set to flower backgrounds
>Comic High even claims to be “girlish comics for boys and girls”
>Drawn by a literal boys' love artist.
>Okay, there were no kabedons, but that's just because it can't work with that height difference
You can't deny this.
This is basically a girly rapechad romance story but the rapechad is now a loli
Prepubescents are not this horny!
Neither do they have the same kind of knowledge and acumen about the world.
This is my major problem with this story. It very much tries to pass the message that aduls underestimate the wisdom of children, which may be true, but anyone can make that argument by setting it in a universe where children are far more learned than in reality.
8 year olds don't generally scheme master plans at “WcDonalds” together to get rid of a teacher. Rin understands the law to such a degree that he's intelligent enough to threaten to frame people for sexual assault. One of the reasons that 8 year olds are not even criminally culpable is because it works, somehow. It's legal for 8 year olds to commit murder, and yet they don't because they don't even understand they can use it achieve their means.
You're extremely fucking naive about the world, no wonder a story as simple as KnJ went over your head.
I mean the author was a lady. She was clearly writing a fantasy here
What is with this bizarre haircut.
This is really “I cut my fringe too short and now I suffer for two weeks” territory.
People often say this, but I don't see how it would be that from Rin's perspective and it's also a drama train.
It's just a very good story.
>8 year olds don't generally scheme master plans at “WcDonalds” together to get rid of a teacher.
Yes they do, it's just their schemes are more retarded and adults do a better job of seeing through them if they themselves are not retards. But adults tend to implicitly trust children, and children read the room better than they're given credit for, so when an adult is looking for an answer, a child will tend to give it to them. For example, the whole satanic daycare scare from the 80s. There were no satanic rituals, the kids just figured out that's what the adults wanted to hear.
Also, 8yo can't legally murder anyone, it's just not them that's held accountable for it.
>Yes they do, it's just their schemes are more retarded and adults do a better job of seeing through them if they themselves are not retards.
I said master plan, not idiotic plan.
>Also, 8yo can't legally murder anyone, it's just not them that's held accountable for it.
One wil not go to jail just because one's child murdered someone.
The main takeaway is that they can do whatever they want without criminal sanction and if they realized this and what it means one would see them utilize to their benefit, but they don't because they don't comprehend the implications.
Tell an adult, or even a teenager, that he can't be criminally sanctioned for whatever he does, and he will start to do many things those children never do. Strangely putting 8 year old children above the law works and they don't realize just how much they can achieve with that for their own benefit.
The first chapter had a scene where Rin threatened to frame Aoki for sexual assault for personal benefits... eight year olds barely even know what sexual assault is and that they can do this.
I do agree normal children don't generally act like her. Thats kinda the point, she is not a normal kid. She is an orphan being groomed by her legal guardian. It is not like she is magically knowledgeable about sexual subjects just to fulfill a fantasy in the audience. The way she behaves is a direct consequence of the environment she is being raised in and, as the story points out several times, there are very serious gaps on her understanding of sexuality because of it.
She is neither mature nor smart, she is a precocious brat doing what she thinks the adults in her life want of her.
Even the other children are a bit too knowledgeable, even Mimi.
It's not simply being knowledgeable about sex only but many other things like being able to fool Aoki to thinking he's an adult over text messages or Kuro being able to order from a menu card in a fine restaurant at that age and knowing how to sell Mimi's used underwear or their being able to Sherlock that the suicide thread must have been a troll because the writer of the letters was left handed, and there no left handed children in that year.
I don't remember the letter thing but pretty much everything else you mention is in line with what I said earlier. All three main girls are victims of abuse and neglect. They all act the way they do because of the shitty adults in their life, not because they are mature or smart. That is why they only know degenerate adult stuff. The rest of the kids in the class all act like normal dumb kids.
If anything, the letter thing was probably to show how possessive and protective Rin is and not to make her look cool.
>eight year olds barely even know what sexual assault is and that they can do this.
bullshit. they absolutely do know this. I got roped into babysitting some kids down the street and at one point the 4yo daughter demanded ice cream and when I told her no she announced that unless I got her the ice cream from the freezer she was going to tell her parents that I took off her panties and touched her.
i gave her the ice cream, and when their parents got back i told them what had happened, and stayed a long damned way from that family ever after.
Kids who were raped in particular can pull some pretty scary stunts and be quite manipulative around adults.
user, that girl was being molested.
don't care. she's old enough to be a grandmother now.
What? She turned 5?
She is 12?
>and yet they don't because they don't even understand they can use it achieve their means.
what? some edgy kid can at least understand as much as "what if i killed someone lol", they just won't have the military skills of a trained assassin or concatenate moriarty-tier plans