I just finished watching it, it was 10/10. Why the hatred?
Why the Hatred for this?
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It's too popular.
if you think there's nothing wrong with it after ep15 there's something wrong with you instead
Literal newfags and shitposters.
i like it. it's an 8.5/10 a B+ from me.
Because it goes to shit really quick and not really worth the time investment to watch.
All I remember about it is the cuckdrama
I waste as much time on watching cartoons as the next guy, but DiTF is still in my top ten, watched it like five times over, two times back to back. Very emotional in my opinion.
Ending sucked.
But the good parts were so good it's in my top 3 now.
Borderline disturbing
Not even the best Trigger/A1 Pictures joint project
Hmm. I don't know, the plot sucked, particularly the trainwreck of an ending?
Everything after episode 15 is noncanon and filler and doesn't exist.
I want to have sex with zero two.
So is it good up until then at least?
Have not seen it
Anime of The Decade till that point
Then it flip flops in the ending
It goes from a doomer vibe greater than even Evangelion to this you-can-do-anything-if-you-just-believe! show. It was still very good. Kinda like Evangelion ending you thought you were getting the first time you ever saw the show, but changed direction. The transition from doom to upbeat was botched probably because they only were gonna do two seasons and needed to wrap everything up. Still a 10/10 show.
yeah it was a great ride and then ALIENS outta nowhere, of all the theories about what was going on in-universe at the time I don't think anyone guessed aliens, not even in jest
That's when Hiro became the Darling in the FranXX. It's profoundly beautiful.
I mean, there was already so many things going on and so many mysteries. For them to throw aliens at it so everyone forgets about the previous issues is just bad writing.