Weekly Young JUMP 2022 #36 & 37 ToC

Double Issue

>4 Gun-kun (NEW) (Lead Color Page)
>We Want To Talk About Kaguya
>Uma Musume Cinderella Gray
>Joyuu Meshi (Color Page)
>Oshi no Ko
>Batsu Hare
>Kowloon Generic Romance
>Shikisaki Shimai
>BUNGO (Color Page)
>Boy's Abyss
>20XX Level Up Disaster
>100 Girlfriends
>Junket Bank
>Shadow's House
>Dr. Zeros (Color Page)
>Kurogane no Valhallan
>Heisei Shounen Dan
>Stand UP Start
>Circle Hime
>Snack Basue

OTTOMAN and Katagimodoshi are on break this week.

Kowloon Generic Romance will be on break after this week due to the artists health and will return in Young JUMP 41

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Other urls found in this thread:


4 Gun-kun color page

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>Kowloon Generic Romance will be on break after this week due to the artists health and will return in Young JUMP 41

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>another Baseball manga when Bungo is still running
But why?
Also Bungo anime when?

the japanese LOVE baseball. like REALLY REALLY love

The writer and artist are known for baseball works. Either it's approaching it from a different angle or Bungo is heading to an end (I've only read a few volumes so I wouldn't know)


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user no one reads kubo san

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If no one reads it then how come it's getting an anime

plenty of low selling manga get anime its not that impresssive

gonna try to dump batsuhare this chapter ig, kinda spicy

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I thought Circle Hime ended

FYI yes i'm the usual abyss dumper

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nice. where did you get the raws?
>yes i'm the usual abyss dumper

I think its ending soon

from a discord friend
i mean yeah i also bought the magazine i just don't have the forker

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thanks for dumping

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Abyss got a live action

user that was announced like a week or 2 ago everyone already knows

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>low selling
user it sells really good.

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is it batsu hare or batsu harem


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and done

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