Isekai Ojisan

2 more weeks until the new episode

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2 more weeks until another isekai gets an episode.

*until yet another isekai
One job.

I watched the first 2 episodes today , I somehow misread uncle saying asuka was into kaji as saying she was into kensuke and fucking lost it laughing in front of my mother since the line was probably written before it came true

it says right in the OP of that thread anime onlys don't look

Oh, sorry. My bad, didn't see that.

kill yourself retarded generalfaggot
>announcing sage
kill yourself retard

this is awful, I can already feel the momentum fading

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new chapter when


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yeah, 2018 I think

That was just a suggestion, there were no strong spoilers there.
I meant it more like that people shouldn't check the chapter on its own. Perhaps it's good if anime discussion is separate tho?

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probably on 26th
chapter 43 TL just came out tho
elf revealed to secretly be a drow

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hiding it very well tho!

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What the fuck do these people get out of making multiple threads

TL where

>two weeks
>it's real
What th efuck?

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thanks the chink virus

>fucking lost it laughing in front of my mother
your mother has got to be a sega fan if she's watching this with you


my bad,