Here's your live action Eva, bro
Here's your live action Eva, bro
Can I just get this slav whore without jap manlet?
this dude is too handsome and manly to play shinji the whiny failure.
a chino and a stupid whore who profane a pure maiden anime girl for money
>a stupid whore
Yes, but cute Russian whore!
I hate 3D so much
Fine, here is the real Asuka.
whores are nor cute
Where's Mari?
married irl with ano
And now?
Asuka is the only good thing about Eva. And by that I mean her body and the porn she provides. NGE has no other redeeming qualities.
Porn damaged your mind. Asuka is pure.
At the bottom of the stairs
We need the Rei (Historical Japanese beauty) and Mari (Modern Japanese girl) to compete against Asuka (Westoid)
Good luck with competing against our Aryan queen, oriental sluts.
She hates Aryans tho. Germany is the worst country on Earth. The reason she came to Japan is because Japan is the best. Kaji's cock can't be beat.
Nippon banzai to you too, ching chong.
if she doesn't make nudes she's based redpickled and trad
how are you supposed to think of kanji as an Asian? when I watched Evangelion i always had the feel that he looks like some Italian or med
As if most characters in anime look Asian at all. Here is doctor Akagi, for example. Blond girl with green eyes.
Do you take the Simpsons family to be Chinese?
Depressed one too.
Why depressed? She successfully left her shithole after the war started.