Tama's training begins.
One Piece
What restored the hype?
Post-arc greatness
>yamato is the mythical cat model: byakko
>yamato will fight king
>yamato will fight jack
>yamato will fight kaido with luffy
>yamato's fruit fits the theory as 00
>yamato will help robin and brook with cp0
>yamato, marco, momo, and luffy will fight kaido
>yamato will help jinbe put out the fire
>yamato will fight ryokugyu to show her worth to the crew
>yamato will be a commander
>yamato will go to laugh tale per momo's request
>yamato will be a skillful log keeper
>yamato will be a straw hat
More Uta goodness on youtube soon
Not having to be in Wano anymore is the best thing ever.
Yep that's a Tama staying
mogged by the Buggy trio
>I will wait as long as it takes.
>Even 3 years.
post the carrot page, so we can all fucking laugh
I dont get how someone can think she joins or she doesnt join just from this panel alone. Like this shit tells me nothing
Calm down Aramaki you're attacking 80% of your fanbase with that statement.
Also his bff Fujitora
Who gave him a scar?
I hope Kiku appears this chapter but its okay if she doesn't.
Mihawk has a scar on his neck.
Yamato staying in Wano
Buggy when he recruites him
Stolen by Law the Leech
List of ninjutsu Shinobu knows:
>pull out a big kite
>throw something at the target's balls
Yep, I'm thinking her training will be over by next chapter. SHE'S IN.
Tama the next Nakama later edition
Wano - 148 chapters as of 1056
Act 1 - 909-924 - 16 chapters
Act 2 - 925-955 - 31 chapters
(outside Wano) - 956-957 - 2 chapters
Act 3 - 958-1056 - 99 chapters (current)
This fag says he hasn't eaten anything in years, dude is probably sustained by sucking the ass fat off the World Nobles who want to stay thin.
Why are you so fucking braindead, pedo?
She is obviously seeing off the strawhats as they sail away from Wano. Nakama war is over and the yamatofags have finally been btfo
where is the scar?
>he could make his fanbase hot
I hope she learns the Kurozumi clan forbidden jutsu
Lor D. Coast
>B-b-buggy-sama... I c-can't cut you but I may be able to serve y-you
Calm down.
thats all Shinobu was able to do as a heffa
I was hype throughout chapter 1000 to current chapter
I could fix him
That's pretty rude. Sounds like Ryokugyu needs correction
>he thinks learning how to kick somebody's nuts takes 14 years
>calls others braindead
in the red circle
he's giving woman the diet they deserve, a succ
Is she saying goodbye to Wano? Luffy and the rest are in the ports. That is days from the Flower Capital. What the fuck is Oda doing?
She's gotten mature somehow...
Anyway, how long did it go from Koby being some chore boy to his gains in Water 7? Oh yeah, Tama's joining by the final war.
Unironically Buddy D Clown
Gay as fuck, but believable.
My nikka Momonga
Hackda didn't give us a proper burial for fucking Izo and Ashura what the fuck is wrong with this hack
She looks pretty amped
If she decided to stay, I'd think she'd be more pensive after what would be a major change of heart
Is that Luffy sleeping in the background?
Why the fuck would anyone want that?
Lucky Roo don't need to be thin to be the fastest man alive
>trained by sukiyaki
>trained by shinobu
Straw Hats Pirates Apprentice:
>Buggy has got a better swordsman as his YC1 than BB and Luffy do
Uta's concert at Fish-Man Island
That's his collarbone you retard, HURRR DOES SHANGS HAVE A SGAR GUYS?!
Literally who gives a single shit about these two?
Why wouldn't she be excited about staying?
It means she gets to be bred by Momoden every single day.
Wouldn't surprise me if he sucked off Charloss and made him thin to make up for his failure to stop Sabo.
Law's a twink.
Yamato, unironically
Jimbei didn't get his welcome toast....
You wanted Wano to reach 200 chapters?
Not a pedo but Tama looks so fucking hot here
raizo is gonna tap her ass
Recovering from one of Mommy Robin's stealth handjobs.
Ashura Doji is top 3 Scabbards for me.
They're still desperately clinging to the days-old fake spoiler that the strawhats leave wano this chapter.
>See that, Ben? She's my daughter
No one, but it's jarring that it's coming from the same author that didn't dare to kill an even bigger literally who like Pell after a far better "death scene"
Dreams don't run away!
Nope, its a scar. Shanks and Mihawks were conjoined twins separated at birth. Buggy's fruit is the key to all this.
Reminder that Beckman is his given name and his nickname is Beck.
Only Tama OPs from now on
This is the "we see yamato running toward Luffy and his crew" page. These leaker really are dishonest when its not another "Amazing spread".
Honest question: Why? He is a non-character. He's just a fat slightly string samurai. That's his entire character.
Please fix her
You don't that's the point. I think context is required, however that isn't going to stop the deniers from going "LOOK! She's staying."
...as if her being on the roof wasn't one of the first spoilers mentioned, the actual retards.
Looks like a watchful protector to me.
try not to speed through a manga this hard user.
Goodbye, Law. 10 years...
You know Quasimodo predicted all this
>cant even explain why
As expected with wanofags and their damage control
Idk about you clowns but I was hype all throughout Wano. I unironically enjoyed it. Im a hppay boi.
The Tenryuubito are the GODS of this world and you will KNEEL before them.
You have no standards and live like a dog
To be fair it's perfectly possible we see Yamato leaping from rooftop to rooftop on a previous panel.
Really, textless "raws" like this that aren't even scanned well tell us even less than we already know from the existing text spoilers. It would be better if they weren't posted at all than to post something this bare bones.
Honestly wish we got more interactions between the three of them before the kaido fight. Even more kidd screen time would've been nice
I want to suck his plantcock
My bad I forgot. He also likes to suck BOC (Big Oden Cock).
hey man make her a guardian of wano.
too many strawhats.
Stay mad I enjoyed peak fiction faggot.
Simply because he lived his way and only respected Oden rather than Kozukis. He took charge at the end of day and took one for the team getting Kanjuro out of there while everyone else was blinded by emotion. And he dabbed on Jack.
Probably one of the biggest affront with these pasr chapters, we hardly had any actual celebration and interaction between the crew members let alone their bounty reveal that Oda is holding up for whatever reasons.
am not a pedo, but Tama looks more mature here and her pits are so erotic...
Based Wano Kino enjoyer
We did in the movies
You don't like Yamato. You only like the OOC fanart version of her. It doesn't exist, you retard.
full raws when?
Buggy and leaving Wano behind
Buggy and Shanks
nine hours
>Tama gets a new design
>Yamato doesn't even after a bath
Yeah, I'm thinking she's not in, while Tama wins later.
zkkbros... we lost...
Tis a scratch
I'm glad Maria beat the shit out of this glowing bitch.
Can't you make them better looking?
where is Big Mom?
Just call him a coomer or powerlevelfag like you disgusting fujoshit furfags usually do.
Same here brother, I liked every single part of Wano, let these absolute retards and mouthbreathers rot.
Ejected to another island by the volcano, preparing for the next cover story offscreen.