Fist of the North Star

What does Any Forums think of it? Personally I enjoyed it from beginning to end, even if my interest waned by the second series. The anime was alright but the music really added to the big moments, but I feel like the manga is the overall better experience.

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I feel like I grew out of liking it, but I still listen to Yuria Eien Ni and Instrumental You wa Shock every now and then
Back when I watched it ages ago I also lost interest during that ashura land part. Not sure if I remember why
I liked the old Fist of the Blue Sky anime

I've never watched the anime but I loved the manga (I learnt by it thanks to the xbox360 game) , Raoh was the best part of the series.

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My best friend told me to never pick up the second season and I never did. Not sure if I missed out on it or not but the ending of the first season was so perfect I’m on all account satisfied.

I think the reason why I lost interest during the land of ashura was that it felt forced. All of a sudden there's a stronger and more eviler version of Raoh that happens to control not!Japan that no one knew about. The ending with Raoh's death and Kenshiro moving on felt more complete to me.

I've never got around to watching it, but when it's mentioned I always think of an user who said he was going to kill himself and posted Dry Your Tears along with his message.
Wherever you are, user, I hope you're happier now.

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Tetsuo Hara's art is always amazing to look at. It definitely made the manga worth it to read.

I read the original 80s Viz physical copies back when I was 12. Never knew why they stopped translating after the Providence Arc.

I think it's a masterpiece but you are right that manga is an overall better experience and part two dropped the ball pretty hard. Its ending and the high points do redeem the mess that was before but only barely and they still pale in comparison to part one and its heights.

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yeah part2 sucks but...

Puts the MAN in manga. Absolute legend.

the only good thing about it

I may not like the second part but damn is the music still good.

Actually part 2 is good.

Part 2 is alright but it definitely pales in comparison to the greatness of the first part. I barely remember anyone from Part 2 besides Kaioh, Ein and Han.

The art in part 2 is Hara at his best

Dropped it when Raoh and Ken jumped like 50 meters into the air and fucking floated
Story until then had like 1 single memorable act chick gets her top ripped, he fixes blind girls eyes and was otherwise a very blatant self-insert blandly 1 shotting nameless unimportant people at random

I got into it via Ken highlights on youtube and it's one of my favorites. I never read past Raoh dying though

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You should reread it then. I always kind of had a half-memory of it just being okay, but I reread it about a month ago and really enjoyed it. Maybe just start at the bit after he beats Han, since the stuff with Ken, Hyou, and Kaioh is the real meat of the story.

Great series