Bleach is not a part of the "Big 3". There is no such thing as a "big three" you westerners are retired. HunterxHunter was doing big during the same era. Are Slam Dunk, DBZ, and Yu Yu Hakusho big three too?
Bleach is not a part of the "Big 3". There is no such thing as a "big three" you westerners are retired...
Big 3 is just a name for the 3 specific series which conform them, people always erroneously think that it implies there can be a new big 3, or in you case, that there could be a previous big 3.
bafflingly retarded post
Kill yourself, narutard.
dumb ESL phoneposter
some hunterfags and others are butthurt because there will never be a big 3 again with a proper game.
HxH is BEYOND faggot 3, spic balls Z, etc etc you name it, shonenshitters friends
>This is your mind on Togashit
it's ok to be a newfag, just don't be annoying about it
>Because it's a western term it means it doesn't exist and impossible
Everyone here is an ESL fucktard does it matter what nips think on grouping.
No one in the West will ever give a shit about HxH. Cope.
hxh was never that big tbqh
>No one in the West will ever give a shit about HxH
I regularly see people walking around in HxH shirts
I never see people walk around with anime shirts full stop, let alone cringe like HxH.
>Never be a big 3 again. Stfu faggot. It happens practically every generation. DBZ, YYH, and Slam Dunk were their own big three. Kenshin might have been in there too
If the big three were a thing why tf wouldn't db/dbz be on there? Insult it however much you want it's still one of if not the most popular animes/mangas of all time. I seriously find it hard to believe more people could know ichigo than goku, or even vegeta for that matter.
Forgot pic...
the big 3 was a thing because they were all airing and coming out at the start of the millenium at a peak in anime popularity, whereas dragonball z had already aired and was out. all 3 were also heavily advertised in the monthly shonen jumps over here and were coming out live, again where dragon ball was just rerunning
don't yu-gi-oh! and hokuto no ken make more money than one piece and come from the same magazine? And then there was kimetsu no yaiba which moved a trillion yen in like a year.
Big 3 only ever refers to one piece, naruto, and bleach because those 3 ended WSJs post dragonball slump. The term does not ever mean anything else.
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