Delicous Party Precure

Do you guys think Amane is a good mid-season cure?

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No she shits over other cures


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She is garbage.

Amane pinkcuck

Hopefully she becomes the main character.



Attached: HinatAAAAA.webm (960x540, 923.27K)

This makes me want to buy more Toei stock.

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I would fuck her in a no gentle way


She's funny

Her arc becoming a Cure was wasn't strong BUT as a member of the group I'm liking her more than I was expecting, I like her food trivia and she had good interactions with Kokone and Ran so far.

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She's great so far. Not on Ruru's level but it's hard to be as good as the greatest midseason cure.

Amane's fine except I dislike her voice.
Not that it's bad in a vacuum. The sounds coming out of her mouth just don't look like they fit the character, to me.

You should hear her Mana voice

Sneaking in to kill big friends

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She is whatever really, so far she is the weakest bad girl to good girl of the Cures anyway.

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I kinda agree with that, her VA sounds like she using a lolified version of the voice she uses for Y’shtola in FFXIV, which while it could work really doesn’t match up with the other three cures