Don't care, didn't read, still will always want to fuck Misato. Best girl.
Brody Wilson
That used goods isn’t even best girl in her series
Daniel Jackson
She's my favorite of the main trio.
Julian Campbell
It was before Anno got whipped by Moyocco
Blake Davis
what was the lesson that shinji learned?
Landon Russell
Because actual things were at stake. >Yui is a fucking psychopath and deliberately waited for Asuka to die in order to remove all competition and mindbreak her son >she also killed Naoko in order to kill Rei 1 >she took over Unit 01 to destroy Unit 03 >she also took Asuka's form to trigger Shinji Change my mind.
Jace Gonzalez
Fuck your mom.
Carson Smith
Actions have consequences.
Henry Baker
>why is end of evangelion so much better than the rest of the series. HINT: It's not
Aaron Cox
>>she also killed Naoko in order to kill Rei 1 This makes no sense. Naoko killed Rei then killed herself. And all of this happened after Yui was inside the Eva. >>she took over Unit 01 to destroy Unit 03 That was the dummy plug.
Jordan Turner
Someone should have REALLY taught him that inaction is action. Though everyone was fucked anyway. >iF sHiNjI gOt iN tHe eVa Nothing changes. Yui just twiddles her thumbs and waits for Asuka to die. Yui wanted Third Impact to happen, period. >Asuka dosen't job it up and accidentally kills a MPE Unlikely, but most likely SEELE would be forced to salvage a S2 engine and capture Unit 02. After killing Asuka and converting Unit 02 via plug things go as normal, unless Unit 02 was somehow flawed from the very beginning. >Rei does her thing Things proceed as normal. >somehow Shinji kills all MPE's and stops Rei Most likely SEELE dusts off actual nukes and proceeds to glass Tokyo 3.
Julian Price
Asushin is the way. It always was, it always will be.
>Naoko Bruh Unit 01 is a Lilith based Evangelion, and astral projection and emotional projection are used in the series. >Rei, multiple times >15th Angel Besides, the repeated choking theme being repeated all three times, and who has most to gain from those deaths? >Naoko She WAS fucking Gendo, but more importantly she was available to get rid of Shinji's replacement. >Unit 03 A unfinished dummy plug somehow gains control over Unit 01, which she completely no sells later? Additionally persevering her own life and continuing her plans? >triggering Shinji to do Third Impact Why the fuck would Asuka refuse Shinji? He literally came to HER, not Rei, not Misato, HER. Again the strangulation theme, and who had most to gain, and who was there 2/3 times?
Anthony Gutierrez
>Why the fuck would Asuka refuse Shinji? Shinji loves her but she was very angry and didn't believe it
Asher Perez
Again, this doesn't make any fucking sense, also add the fact the "real" Asuka was currently inhabiting the digestive system of a MPE and was in no state to talk at all.
Hudson Hill
It's not and started the downfall of the series.
Wyatt Nelson
Wrong. Asuka dissolved into LCL due to the berserk status.
Kevin Fisher
>Why the fuck would Asuka refuse Shinji? She tells you why.
Hudson Ross
You don’t even have to go that wild with it. Most likely it was just ghost Rei that turned her into LCL, just like she did with everyone else.
Xavier Reyes
>Shinji loves her He doesn’t. He never say that he does, nor does he refute what Asuka says about him.
Jack Jackson
Asuka dissolved way before that. That's why she can come back, unlike Misato.