It's like a worse Inuyasha
Was the manga this bad?
It's kind of funny how a lot of manga are held in high regards but once the anime drops and people actually go check the source material it's all just juvenile shit
Despite Knowing it had an interesting premise, I've never got to actually reading it
I'm asking to see if it's worth it, because the anime is so bad I dropped in after two episodes
The anime cover the best part of it
And that saying alots
Half of 2hoomers don't even play the games.
that's my point
Give 5 examples.
Bastard was small enough that everyone who knew about it read all of it though.
I've read the first volume since starting this thread
Pacing is better and the old school art matches the theme considerably better
The anime is too clean and generic
The games are too hard.
t. fumo collector
shit thread post best girl
I immediately noticed the parallels with IY, too
Juvenile shit is an apt term
Same sentiments. It looked cool but was so stupid
It's the characters and writing that make a story a good story. Categorizing a story by its setting and props is an indication of inferior material
Yes, yes it is bad.
The manga and the OVA are way better than the netflix anime since the charm and humor actually come across. That said, the manga takes a massive dive in quality from vol 12 onwards and never really recovers, turns from a 7/10 to a 2/10, so you might consider quitting there
Got extremely sick of reading "Dark Schneider" like it was an actual name. It sounds like the name of a character written by a 12 year old
>Saw an OP on Any Forums which described the series as ‘dark fantasy’ or something like that. The main character had a cool look (extremely lean but muscular), and I liked the artstyle. I guess I’ve heard of it in times past. Dropped after 20ish chapters.
A (in)famous, extremely powerful magician is surrounded by young, attractive, often scantily clad women who instantly fall in love with him. The manga borders on softcore porn occasionally, but intentionally falls a little short of that level of profanity. The MC (“Dark Schneider") is an exaggerated caricature of many things young men want to be: He is tall, extremely lean and muscular, and handsome, in addition to being famous and nearly all-powerful. He is also highly confident, but in a manner that is extremely obnoxious and arrogant. He is also (off ‘screen’) cruel and vicious. On screen, his violence is moderated, and he is implied to have a caring side, for fairly unconvincing reasons. The manga breaks the fourth wall to make fun of its crass and ridiculous premise. Replete with the usual eyeroll inducing slapstick comic relief domestic violence.
>it's all just juvenile shit
>said on Any Forums - Anime & Manga
Good idea, the story was hot garbage. Characters weren’t that bad but this Hard to ignore every 3 mins
how do you zoomer retards even manage to draw breath