Kengan omega

chapter coming soon. predictions for cosmo vs saw pang?

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15 hours isn't soon

Hassad soon.

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Saw pang getting grappled to submission. The fight ended in 5 sec offscreen.

We're gonna spend the whole chapter with ohma doing research on the connector and then he's gonna find out another fucking tragedy happened you rike?

>Connector is an extremely strong person who is wanted worldwide
>Is walking around with no mask or disguise
>Doesn't even have the wherewithal to not be around the Kengan fighters who are actively looking for him
I can understand subversion but this is ridiculous. They lost key members during the Purgatory vs Kengan Tournament and so I little discretion would be advised but fuck that right?

What was even the point of killing off these characters when it took decades to careful training and resources to get them to where they are. An absolute waste. This is Omega, totally unrefined writing. Sandrobitch needs to wake up and salvage this shit.

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shen is the real ohma and ohma's memories from the "inside" are all implanted since he's a cone which is the real reason why his memory was fucked up in ashura.

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I don't think people know his face, I thought hat Ohma just perceived him as an strong guy and got suspicious of him.

The Connector's just that strong

There's no way Sandro allows a serious Cosmo to lose, especially in the first round. So either
>opens with a chapter or so of Saw with the upper hand and shrugging off Cosmo's strikes, maybe even allowed to land a hit
>Cosmo sighs
>takes his grappling stance
>"I never thought I'd have to break my self imposed challenge so early... you were awesome, Saw...."
>teleports behind him and chokes him out
Or the one single chance for Saw, which is that Cosmo refuses to grapple even if it means losing, in which Saw edges out the win and goes "YAAAAAAH YOU WERE AWESOME COSMO, IF YOU'D GRAPPLED I DON'T KNOW IF I COULD HAVE WON, LET'S SETTLE THIS IN THE KAT".

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Saw gets ringed out by Cosmo

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>koga vs ryuki starts
>it's time for a special rules match

Probably something along this line.
Although I think sandwich will simply just have Cosmo forfeit and said something like "Damn, I guess my striking skill still isn't good enough for the KATlads yet" instead of outright losing.

What's the connector fighting style/gimmick?

You sure it's cosmo vs saw paing first? I reckon it's gonna be focusing on Koga and Ryuki's matches and Cosmo vs Saw & Lihito vs Mayers will be off-panelled

He'll have emperor eyes by Terashi but permanent and with no drawbacks and he have a 4D vision all around him by 500m with 360Hz and 4K HD definition at 120fps at least bc of his double pupils

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They'll finally come back into play, Yumi will be vindicated

That would be incredibly based

I miss Xia Ji and Fei...

Saw Paing will headbutt Cosmo and get zoned, giving Cosmo the win while stating that he would have won under any other circumstance (KAT R2.0) This will be Sandro's attempt at pleasing sawfags.

This tournament is a fucking sham. It's a fucking waste of time. I cut myself just thinking about sitting through 5-10 chapters for each fight and wasting another 2 years of my life like KVP on this shit. FUCK you Sandro.

I wanna impregnate both of them

How do you cut yourself?

That sure is cheaper than the worm sponsored supercloning™ program