Any Forumsllies, if you could have any Digimon as your partner (at its rookie/child level) which would you choose?

Any Forumsllies, if you could have any Digimon as your partner (at its rookie/child level) which would you choose?

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fpbp came here to say this

Basic bitch choice, but I loved terriermon so much as a kid, no way I could ever let my bro go

I look into vsbattles for the most OP realitybend-tier digimon and pick that

For me, probably Gabumon, he's the best boi, though.

Attached: Gabumon_%28New_Century%29_b.jpg (250x224, 18.36K)

Look at those nice feet

Sistermon Noir

Attached: __sistermon_noir_digimon_and_1_more_drawn_by_tonami_kanji__b87c7610459a1dddb03ccab98006a879.jpg (600x839, 145.3K)

Salmon, its a cat/dog looking thing so it shouldnt take too much to feed and be discreet.
Agumon/koro looks like itll take a shitload to feed and god forbid it digivolves. Youll have a clifford the big red dog situation.

Look at this dood. Betamon is criminally underrated. He also digivolves into a line of badass sea serpents.

Attached: download.jpg (512x512, 84.34K)

Yes, yes they are.

Yeah, Betamon's hands down one of my favorite 'mons.

For me, it's Guilmon.

Attached: 83896665_p0.jpg (891x948, 814.78K)

You just want him to fuck you user

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What's with the weirdly high level of people having erotic thoughts about Guilmon?
I cannot pinpoint what it is about him.

Granted, I did fall in love with him when I first saw him but that's different.

Are those real ? It's a whole fucking harem

Post line and theme
my line and shinka theme before and after heel turn.
My theme is masked swordsman

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Lucky for you, there are a lot of dogs in the real world.

Patamon, it's cute and I could wear it as a hat.

Digimon trees are so fucking wide that you go forward and back enough to the point where you can turn to most digimons.

Can I be lazy and ask for the template?