They don't know if what they feel is love

>they don't know if what they feel is love
>the test is to decide once and for all who's better, and neither of them wants to lose
Okay, this is ridiculous. Nagi knows he is in love with Erika, so this date with Hiro is a farce for them to work out their academic rivalry. Regardless of who wins between them, it looks like it won't be about love.

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My bad. I forgot about A Couple of Cuckoos in the subject field. Anyways, seriously, what the heck?

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Hiro will lose.
I told Hirofags so.

Hiro will date Nagi and make him forget about all the other girls with her charms. It's impossible for her to lose

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We love Sachi and Erika here.

no we don't

We know, Any Forums.

we hate hirosnek here

Nagi x Erika is the canon OTP. Always has been. Hirofags should have listened instead of acting cocky.

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Official rankings after this chapter:

Hiro > Ai >>> Erika > Sachi

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Erika will win Nagi as a wife
Sachi will win Nagi as an imouto
Hiro will win Shion as a fiance

Based Hiroledditbro!

t. Any Forums

I believe in Ai's Counterattack.

Hirobros, we're winning

notNino will win and avenge Nino. Feels great.

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Itsuki is hardly like Erika and vice versa where it matters most.

Sachi and her intuition about how Hiro isn't suited to be with Nagi was right. Hiro just isn't GENUINE.

Aifag here. I agree

>aifag existing

Sachi-chan is a smart one and a good imouto.

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Erika is a bitch. Nino is a bitch
Erika is abusive to MC. Nino is abusive to MC.
Erika is bossy. Nino is bossy.
Erika threw a fit for her sister. Nino threw a fit for her sister.
Erika competed against rivals. Nino competed.
Erika never hit her sister. Nino never hit her sister.
Erika confessed to MC. Nino confessed to MC
Itsuki never did anything of these.

More like Erika > Sachi > Hiro > Ai

Hiro went down.

Sachi should be last place