Seeing how we are leaving Wano, it seems we aren't going to find out what happened to Jack and the Tobbi Roppo for a long time...
One Piece
black maria and ulti look way better than tama toko ro kid hiyori damn
sex with loli ulti!
Wait what? They actually always had horns? Always thought they are just props given out to anyone joining the beast pirates, which they then can chose to wear or not but most do.
so are they oni? or what?
did oda drew sweet commanders as children in sbs?
Good, boring characters.
Who the fuck cares, fucking redditors
You are the cringe ones getting this obsessed spamming headcanons and roleplaying and torturing us with those everyday. I'm glad we moved on
t. brain rotted general tranny
Only trannies roleplay.
I just like the characters
and sit in spic generals all day and sperg like autistic faggots
Sasaki has gills just like Jack does. Maybe that theory about him being Komodo’s son wasn’t so far fetched.
>Chopper and Franky worried
>Luffy hugging him
>Luffy, Zoro and the others
I think you are just a pretty shitty person
Roleplaying is cringe. Deal with it
and so is being being a crying autistic faggot who sits in a spic general everyday
so you’re also a cringe tranny kek
Will we ever get a proper explanation on awakenings?