I'm still mad

I'm still mad

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Just wait to see how HxH "ends"

Well get the fuck over it you inconsequential feculence of a human being

ending was kino

Sorry you're mad fake fan just move along

The manga ending was better, we didn't even get to see Yusuke opening a ramen shop in the anime.

I will seethe with the rage of a thousand suns if the dark continent doesn't get the saga it deserves.

Imagine still watching after dark tournament.

can someone give me a qrd on why this arc is so infamous? I only just got to the psychic word games part with the delinquents

Considering Togashi's commitment to subverting shonen conventions- I'd be shocked if it didn't end up never happening. The Whale ship is going to sink killing everyone on board

It doubles down on muh demon blood retardation and the conclusion is quite disappointing.

The ending gets rushed and in the anime, especially, you will likely feel blindsided by it. It's not "bad" but it doesn't live up to the two iconic arcs that precede it

a distinct lack of the best character

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Author’s health is so poor that he wraps up the main conflict offscreen and has a big text dump about the ideas he wanted to implement, but couldn’t, so you have this big shocking twist that immediately gets resolved in the next panel.

The show already sucked before that part
Chapter Black arc should have ended with Kuwabara defeating Sensui with the help of Kurama and Hiei

>Yusuke: "Okay, how about we ignore everything that has been built up and have this, uh, fighting tournament instead of tying all the plot threads together, explaining things, and giving a big exposition to characters and stuff?"
>Everyone: "Oh, great idea."

The funniest part is that he didn't even show the fights, it was a lazy idea made even lazier
He should have just made a panel saying "I don't want to write this shit anymore"

It goes from DBZ power level fighting (But introduces power levels kek) to demon politics. It's only like 2 and a half volume long as well and skips the final fight which we only hear about in passing.
Honestly I love it, It works great. Yusuke is like 17 now and too old to care about fighting and being the good guy, He just wants to live a normal life and have kids.
The last page of the manga is so fucking beautiful and something that only Togashi could make so impactful.

Still better than the chapter black arc.
Fuck, Sensui was so shit.

It sets up a big conflict in demon world that Yusuke sort of inherits from his demon ancestor and pits him against two other factions that Hiei and Kurama join. A lot of time is spent on how the various factions are building up their armies and putting strategies in place to win the war, and then suddenly Yusuke says "actually let's just do the dark tournament again" and every other character inexplicably throws all their planning and advantages out the window and agrees even though Yusuke himself has the weakest position and the tournament would fuck over everybody besides him. The tournament is then a rush job with a literal who character introduced last minute winning offscreen and declaring that demons can't be evil anymore, and everybody shrugs and says sure why not then goes home.

It has some good individual moments but overall it's weak and rushed and throws out a ton of interesting early plotting. Also Kuwabara is gone for all of it which is bullshit.


t. retarded speed reader
It makes perfect sense for it to end like that. Yusuke doesnt understand or care about the war and only wanted to beat Raizen in a fight who died and left him an entire 1/3rd of the world to rule. He just wants to get it off his hands and end the bullshit so he never has to deal with it again.
Yomi thinks he's strong enough to beat Yusuke and Murko so he accepts the game and Murko is confident her and Hiei can win.

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Chapter Black and Three Kings were way better than the Tournament.

>Kuwabara is gone for all of it which is bullshit
He's a human with no ties to the demon world, He's matured and wants to get into a good school so he can be a successful adult.
He completed his character arc of beating Yusuke but instead of in a fight he matured before Yusuke.

go back huntertranny

I love it. Big players and 4 emperors and Yusuke Mazoku Sheet then some random dude from Raizen's group takes it.

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Yeah no.

If you're going to make such a ridiculous excuse for such a blatant case of a rushed ending that ignored all the buildup and threw development out the window, you might as well just call me names and be done with it. And post wojak too while at it.

He more or less does, though? His final letter explicitely says that YYH is ending that way because he doesnt want to write Tournament arcs forever but it is what editorial wanted, so he decided to just blindside his editor and abruptly end the manga without a notice.

The manga was very much aborted because he didnt want to write it anymore.