The best love story in anime is not from a romance but sci-fi series

>the best love story in anime is not from a romance but sci-fi series
How did this happen?

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>not from a romance
The source material is literally a harem romance VN.

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Romance is a genre. Sci-fi is a setting. The source material is a visual novel.

Romance anime is just that fucking bad.

currently playin Steins;Gate VN, what am I in for?



a great time
meh, not it's strongest point, kaguya sama is better at romance than this. s;g is good or even great in a lot of other aspects, i liked how life-like it felt.

wait really? can you marry Ruka-chan?

>the best love story in anime
That would be DitFxx.

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And impregnate them too.

aiiiie brothers and sisters i'm gonna make it happen finally

Setting the mood for this thread

One of my favorite Steins Gate amvs

Im watching the anime and im on ep 5 right now. Does the main character ever become less fucking annoying? LE I AM SO SCHIZOOOO CRAZZZYYYYY AAAAA XDDDD SOOO QUIRKY

Bro I fucking get it just shut the fuck up already. I also hate most of the woman characters already.

I finished watching movie that is the sequel to the original anime.
Do I play the original VN and the 0 VN before moving on to the 0 anime or should I not bother with 0 at all? I liked the original story and will most likely play the first VN, but I'm worried if the alt timeline of 0 will nullify the positive experience I had.

Just play the VN and avoid 0

Actually yes. The main character becomes less annoying, and you get an explanation for why he was acting so retarded this whole time. You also get a bit of insight into why Mayuuri is annoying as well (if you didn’t like her), and Kurisu’s insightfulness and intelligence will begin to shine through when Okabe starts to struggle with events.

It’s a long wait, but it should start to get good at episode 7. I can understand if you want to drop it before then. I did too, and it’s an issue that fans of Steins;Gate often refuse to acknowledge.
I just want to conclude by saying that Steins;Gate is my favorite anime, and I hope you keep watching it.

It's thanks to the magic of competent character writing.

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What did Any Forums think of the movie?

Neat to get more Steins;Gate. Like drunk Kurisu cutting through the the normal inhibited personality.
It wasn't logically consistent with the main story though.

When shit hits the fan halfway through the mc becomes serious. If you don't understand the appeal by then there's no saving you.