Why does Mad House choose to portray mole people as canines? So-bin clearly drew them as moles in the novel.
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I am a mole and I live in a hole.
woof woof
3D modeling is hard user, pls understand.
Tap into the furry audience
>Why does Mad House choose to portray mole people as canines?
because they're sugokku kawaii desu uguu~
i cannot believe that it took me until now to realize that shalltear finishes her sentences with "de arinsu"
4 seasons in and i just noticed that...
Wouldn't the smartest thing to do with the empire be to let them be as autonomous as possible, with exception to a limit to the magic user/special ops and adjustments to the legislative, as necessary, similar to germany after ww2?
A baseline Kobold 3D model can be used in other series. A mole man cannot.
Shalltesr has a prostitute accent.
>that cgi
Why can they still not get it right after all these years? It looks like absolute shit
Sex with Entoma!!
How much does she charge?
The anime has shit designs in general that don't bother to follow So-Bin's official art or even the descriptions given in the books. I'd understand them not following So-Bin's art if they wanted to make things more accurate to how they were described, but every time they deviate from his designs they instead go with more bland designs that don't look anything like they are supposed to according to the books. It's like they want to make things even more of a generic fantasy and when you add the shitty coloring and shading, poor animation, and overuse of low quality cg the anime just comes out looking like shit. Season 1 looked shit due to the coloring and occasional cg, but at least the animation was alright or even good sometimes. Things just got worse with each passing season
>sEx wItH EnToMa!!
>get it right
Why can't they just fucking leave it already.
Free but you have to be a Supreme Being or a cute girl.
I'll just try getting her smashed.
you seem to actually, unironically, literally, be retarded de arinsu
this nigga posts this in every single overlord thread.
you gotta admire his dedication.
Because drawing mobs takes fucking forever
>she sees your dick
Momonga's sexy hot bone penis belongs to me and me alone
Ains for no reason once again wages war on a kingdom just because.
truly he needs to be ground into bonedust and snorted by the emperor.
It's ok, user.
I've finished KlK, yet only after someone on Any Forums pointed it out I've noticed that Satsuki has thick eyebrows.
Albedo, it seems that despite being a succubus you really need sex ed huh
Skeletons do not have penises
Unfortunately MadHouse does quite well combat scenes, but big armies are always a problem.
You fail as a man.
Spiders are such abominations that don't deserve to live.
I did a thing
I was distracted by her backstory.
is it just me or was this episode going at 100 miles per second?
>last time we saw ainz he was at baharuth empire but now hes at the lizard village and now he is at the dwarven kingdom also remember crusch lulu? she has a kid now anyways ainz can make buildings looks there are monsters at the dwarven city and they were defeated shalltear!
jesus christ slow down...
Undead don't get drunk, they just act like it.
They do be cramming three volumes in 13 episodes
>5 seconds of silence
>eardrums explode
Shalltear rapes her vampire brides to death to roll for new ones in the pop monster random spawn gacha. You might not survive it
Spiders keep the other shit from invading your house, dummy.
go on...
I need to avenge Brain, I'll do my best.
Waiting for death knight kino.
So much better than lv 100 fighting fodder.
Wait until you have witnessed true dedication youngion
Deaf people are an inspiration.
What can I say?
We like to party
Does the mushroom guy only hate Shalltear or does he hate all women?
>one of the death knights die
>ainz go full paranoia
That was fun
I don't mind regular house spiders, but if I see one that looks anything like in that webm I stomp on it until it turns to dust
>Ains for no reason once again wages war on a kingdom just because.
Wrong. Ainz attacked the Quagoa to honor his alliance with the dwarves.
Albedo's fart smells very nice
Shaltear's fart makes you tear
they both meet bondrewd if i rember correclty