Chainsaw Man

We've got a week break next, predictions for Chapter 102?

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Why is she so weak?

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Asa lives
Yuko lives
Whole chapter is them battling then successfully escaping the devil
Ends with Yuko saying “well THAT just happened” while Asa blushes standing next to her
break next week

>Yoshida or Denji saves them
>Asa turns Yuko or something other tard into a weapon and kills bat

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>Break next week

ahh fuck, I can't believe you've cursed us here user.

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Asa reluctantly stabs Yuko with her sword, Yoru takes over and turns her into a weapon.

Why isn't Fujimoto doing any color pages? We still don't know Asa and Yoru's colors


Another perk of J+ publishing, he can do zero color pages and only bother with volume covers like in FP.

Well, it probably wouldn't be too far fetched to think that they'll be saved by a character we already know. Whether that be Yoshida or even Denji for a callback, but I think Yuko will be fine (for now).

Because Chainsaw Man beat the shit out of her in Hell.

Because digital release only and tank release dont allow color pages, only in rare cases. Annd doing more work = unproductive

People are probably assuming that Yuko's dead because this is Fujimoto and it'd be an easy way to up the stakes, but I'm honestly not so sure...
She seems way too out of it for the kind of job they're doing.

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Putting this in every chenso thread

I just want to know Yoru's eye colour, and whether it's yellow like Makima, or something else.

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Hear me out
>Denji returns at some point
>Hears Makima in his head because he ate her
>Meets Asa
>They team up to cure their schizophrenia
Would be better than what have now but the only reason that Asa seems lame is due to not having interacted with too many characters who stuck around. Too early to judge

Dumb idea. Feel bad.

Red or we riot

Red's pretty good. I kinda want it to be something surprising like purple.

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Ironically it feels like less stakes when it's so stupidly predictable. Id like them to see struggle and grow before that desu

Purple is good but basically the rinnegan