>settles the admiral vs Yonkou debate in 1 chapter in Wano by using miles-long Haki to make an admiral piss his pants and leave
One Piece
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Caribou won
yamatosisters please tell me she's joining
She'll ask to join.
Luffy will say "Who are you?"
And his answer will depend on whether she says "Oden" or "Yamato"
>Yamato goes with the Strawhats
>Yamato goes with the Kidd Pirates
Kino! GODA!
>people think number 14 in the world poll is going to job to Germa in a cover story
Either Germa have to run or Blackbeard Pirates show up
>even when the nakama war ends, it doesn't end
Fucking how
he w-was in a movie though...
Hancock now belongs to Buggy
Remember, no matter what, at least you're not this guy
>Carrot received actual positive development as queen of the Minks, effectively making Pedro proud of her wherever he is
>Toxic Carrotfags complain and say she should have joined the crew
You people make me sick.
Carrot is never ever joining. Post best one piece laughes to commererate this
>Greenbull pisses his pants at the prospect of fighting a Yonkou
>thinks he can take on the alliance that took down TWO Yonkou
He might be legitimately retarded
I can't lie to you, sister...
Jack did NOT wash his willy!
>no mention of Kiku being kissed by Zoro
>carrotchud posting rape porn now
Not surprised
Nakama Wars are almost over
Trust the plan
2 more weeks
Just don't see her as the "ruling" type, honestly. Feels weird/unearned
>Jack is the biggest
It's only natural
She'd just end up turning Alvida into a Becky
We already know this
It's 400% consensual.
You’re late bro
Based buggy resurrecting the hype
I wonder how much a following she has.
She was one of the only wano chars to get into the last OP musou game which kinda surprised me. She was also largely just a tashigi ripoff though so maybe they just wanted to half-ass it and saw she had a sword.
And Mihawkchuds thought he was CHADNKs equal...
How was making her into a queen developed throughout the 2 arcs? There was nothing that indicated that. Pedro wanted her to help the crew bring the dawn to the world. Being a ruler of Zou when Inu and Neko are still there is redundant when they can band the Minks together when Carrot can be a direct help on the ship. At least read the manga Yamaretard.
>girl (XX, born with pussy, etc)
Depends how much Oda wants to wank germa to make them look better. Though maybe the match is interrupted by Pudding or real intruders
She was also the higuest ranking Scabbard. Granted only her and Izo got into the Top 50, but still
He's the biggest and goodest boy. He deserves to have the bosses daughter sugg his digg.
The hype's been there dude.
So, to repeat what one user asked in an earlier thread:
How exactly is this shown in the chapter I wonder
Like, is it Neko and Inu telling Carrot she's now the new ruler of Zou
or is it Carrot telling someone else this at the party after having had this discussion with Inu/Neko in the week since Kaido's defeat?
Or is it Neko/Inu just talking amongst themselves and not even Carrot knows this yet?
Charlotte could legitimately bite the heads off everyone there if not actually eat them in a single bite. No wonder they ran from her. Way they show her in the manga I thought she was slightly smaller than Kaido, not both bigger and also her mouth alone is larger than his (tiny little baby) head
I think we've lost Yamatokeks...
enjoy your vacation, you based sonuvabitch
Honestly Carrot becoming that doesn't make much sense when she's only 15 and didn't really prove herself as worthy of the title. Wanda too. They both lost to Perospero, and it ended up being one of the Dukes they're succeeding who took him down afterwards. That's a failed passing of the torch.
Cringey as fuck
Delete this!
You're real fucking dumb if you don't know that everyone on Any Forums is a little girl
kind of popular side character despite her popularity going off a cliff when it was revealed she is male but with heart of a female
If carrot doesnt fucking join, Im gonna fucking drop this piece of shit manga.
No Samurai killed it until Buggy came back