The blondes in this series are amazing. Neia, Lakyus, the imperial guards...
Maids are absolutely OP sexually speaking!
You fuckers didn't even tell me that the raws for 16 are already up
This is the ending summarized
Just replace Hilma with ZZ
Not my problem. Now get to making a summary, nihonger
Someone check reddit if they uploaded the ZZ fight part 3
Why would I even do that EOPfag? Wait for a week or so. I'm still slow in reading nip.
How the fuck do you guys deal with Maruyama's tedious prose? I've seen middle school essays that are better written
Because I said so, nihonger
I simply deal with it like a puppet with its strings cut.
Where can i read vol.14? Please tell me there is an better alternative than the shitty pdf redditors did or the paste bin without images
Prose means that your grammar is correct not whatever shit you think it means.
>omg it doesn't FEEL right
>Brain aided, perhaps participated in rape, thievery and murder
Um Brainbros? I thought we were comparable to Gazef
Does your religion forbids you to use torrents or something?
Your point being...?
there's poetry and there's prose
whether or not its grammatically correct is beside the point
Maruyama's prose, at least inasmuch as it is conveyed via translation, is subpar.
it's still a fun read tho
today is the day
Was that Demiurge's biggest sasuga yet?
Can you give an example of his prose and how it might be corrected? I'm a readlet so I think his writing is great, aside from some repetition.
Brain was an idiot. He was an overly cocky, unscrupulous shithead. His near death experience with Shalltear shook him to his core, but it didn't change the fact that he was an idiot. He throws his life away, abandoning the orphans he'd only just started training, all so that he could feel validated.
If Brain were alive in our world, he'd be a narcissistic tranny doing commie video essays.
>written or spoken language in its ordinary form, without metrical structure.
>another term for sequence (sense 4 of the noun).
Yes, now fuck off.
Sorry for the brainlet question but who is this? I dont really have the time to read LNs
Then wait 5 weeks
my wife
Holy shit you're a fucking esl. Kill yourself
Random adventurer group. Literal nobodies. They'll probably never be heard of again.
>so braindead he has to consult a dictionary for a simple word
>still gets it wrong
Pick up a book you underage retard.
Jen Tatanite the leader of the adamantite adventurer team White Wyrm
I don't have the books as digital files, and I'm not going to type out paragraphs. Simply put: he frequently breaks the standard rule of "show don't tell" and the telling lacks any inspired flourish.