Is his anime supposed to be ironic or something? Every character says/does/is the crinigiest shit. Surely this is just Chunni bait or something
Is his anime supposed to be ironic or something? Every character says/does/is the crinigiest shit...
Attracted edgelords and coomers mainly
But lore is kinda cool, and sadly no real skele or undead kino
I cringe really hard when those girls act all wet for no real reason 24/7
you have to go back
Kill yourselves disgusting sub humans
It's a garbage show only liked by retards. Its only redeeming feature is some okay smut.
Go back to twitter.
Go back to Instagram.
my dick is chuunibait
Overlord is peak reddit and a stain on villain protagonist fiction
Here's another reason for overlord fans, they get to watch it and pretend they aren't the subhumans while mowing down helpless normies.
>make anime/LN about big super evil skeleton dude
>make him pussy as fuck with garbage school-level inner monologue and retarded both-sides nonsense
>material never has big dick evil anything
It's the cowardice in refusing to just have a properly evil mother fucker that gets me. That in itself is a tired cliche.
It's an isekai, most of them are shit, Overlord is no different
I thought Overlord was terribad even back when I was 16 and isekai was just catching on, so that's saying something.
Imagine hopping on a genre and being worse than the big dick OG (Mushoku Tensei) that essentially started the whole thing. It started at its peak and has only gone downhill.
What's the point of Overlord? What's it is trying to tell?
It's nothing more than a shallow power fantasy to appeal to faux-edgy coomers that want to have the feeling of being "evil", but not have to deal with the moral struggle of actually being fucking evil. There is no message, there is no deep plot, there is no point beyond this. It's really just that shallow.
Chuuni lol. light novel Ainz doesn't do shit like that, his monologues says otherwise.
They're in an mmo? Surely you understand that a character in a fantasy/mmo world will use chuuni terms because a mmo is could say there's some irony in Ainz being an outsider and hearing characters behave like this, still I'm shocked by user's choice in picking a fantasy anime then making such a complaint. No user can be this dumb, right?
Log Horizon is also MMO-based and is far, far less chuuni than Overlord with actual characters rather than an embarrassing cringelord of an MC and a bunch of NPC's literally programmed to like him.
It's also far better.
How is he a chuuni again? I don't feel that shit when I watch the anime.
You'd have to ask op. It's a broad complaint because you could pick a character chanting a spell and say that's chuuni? But what do you expect when they're in a mmo? What nonsense.