What went wrong fatebros?

What went wrong fatebros?

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Rules are Made to be raped
Like maids and servants

This was all laid out on day 1 of the VN, so it all went fine.

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the "no japanese servants allowed" rule was retarded anyway

Grand Order makes it so even the "around 7 people" (yeah, the Crypters, I know, but the story went for a long while without them) and "getting a wish from the Holy Grail" parts are jettisoned out too, kek.

homeland turf makes them to op

Grail war was a scam from the start though.

The whole point of the story is seeing all the ways the rules are overcome. Each route gets progressively more chaotic. It's not a bug, it's a feature.

But nipponese history and mythology are both so goddamn boring.

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>Sacrificial Ritual designed from the start to be a con doesn't adhere to fair, balanced rules.
WOW who could have seen that coming?

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I just want a normal HGW with competent masters and no main character. Is that too much to ask for?

Why the fuck do you want something so boring? Fate never begun as a shallow battle tourney and to expect it to be one is literally asking the story to be less interesting. The meat of F/SN has never been the fights.

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Wasn't this HGW rule kinda rigged from begining?

>no japanese servants allowed
I think it was originally intended to ensure the series didn't devolve into nipwank as these things often do

Absolutely. Originally the three families were just going to sacrifice 3 servants and see if that worked.
It didn't, they needed more Servants, so they pretended the sacrificial ritual was actually an honorable war and suckered more mage families in to be pawns.
That's why the three knight classes are so much stronger baseline than the cavalry classes. Only the three knights were supposed to stand a chance at all.

But that's the exact opposite of FSN. Even Zero is plagued by every single master and most of the servants being retarded. Apocrypha isn't too far off from your fantasy, if you don't mind how it's not a normal grail war even by fate standards.

FSN is shit. Unironically the worse out of the fateshit I've watched.

That speaks more about you than it does anyone else, user.

it isn't' but anime and manga tend to make it boring. They either focus on the boring shit because it has muh cultural significance or ruin the good stuff by adding oc donut steel character or generic fantasy elements.


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I'm not reading a 100 hour VN just so I can say it's shit.

>the only cool non-god Jap hero still isn't a servant in any part of the franchise
Though it's a mercy as he'll just end up being another saberface. Then it's a tossup whether they keep him as a trap or let Takeuchi (villain) have his way.

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they should add in more contemporary figures I want to see Ali vs Stalin

Fgo is a prime example of that. Every other event introduces a new Japanese character or utilises existing Japanese servants. It's just lazy and shows that the writers can't be bothered researching other aspects of history outside of their home country

Any character that's still fresh in people's memory would cause a shitstorm and would be a PR nightmare. Hitler and Stalin would trigger euros, jews and soviet nations. Ali is a modern day hero and any perceived disrespect would lead to backlash. It's not worth the risk and I'd be surprised if they ever did it

They decided to animated Heven's Feel, the worse of the Fate routes. everything went to shit from that point onward.