Cardcaptor Sakura

What is she praying for?

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Megane high school boy dick


For the faggot, who keeps editing nail polish onto her nails, to die.

safety from chipped nails

For the deaths of all far-right loons so her brother and his bf can finally be happy together.

Shaoran's shota dick

my dick.

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>Being against the concept of the nuclear family and the conservation of their values and culture

God I wish that were me.

For all the Any Forumsnons here to have cute nails like she does.


No more creepy old men masturbating to jer

For a boyfriend like Mort.

Bro if you want to stuff a small animal into your ass crack there's nothing stopping you.

me on the left

Yukito to become straight

That nailfag gets the mental help he so desperately needs.

the door is right this way pedophile

I don't understand the painted nails meme

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