Seiyuu can’t stop catching covid

What does that mean for the anime industry ?

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It means 2 weeks delay minimum for everyone unlucky enough

That they should probably take more precautions during their countless recordings and live events.

That should give studios some extra time to polish the animation.

Yes. Specially stop giving handshakes to the smelly dirty otakus.

Just do it remotely

Their voices are as cute as their faces are for radio

hopefully all of them die

They'd need studio quality gear and a soundproof room in their houses. Possible but not feasible.

Covid isn't real and OP is a faggot.

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why most of va is ugly?

Nothing. The tests are false positives.

Most people are ugly
Including you

They should get better immune systems.

They should just stop catching coof, it's easy.

I know they did this for the dub of Eva 4.0 and it shows when the voice director isn't right there with them

Show us a photo of the fucking virus and the whole sequence that isn't one written by MUSCLE. The real one, that that isn't synthetic and that no one has. C'mon.
Please, prove he world Covid isn't a new name for ARS. Prove tests aren't a garden when the creator of PCR tests said it doesn't work to identify viruses and that the proteins it detects can be found in many microorganisms and not only in what you're trying to prove that exist. Please, user. Tell us you have a functional brain that isn't just programmed to send everyone to Any Forums, /sci/ or /x/

Are there any seiyuu that survived the coof? Make me wonder how their voice sounds like afterwards. Pretty sad if it goes straight to forced retirement but better than being dead.

Most seyuus have been dicked by yakuza

What exactly do you think happens when you get it? It's not like it implodes your lungs instantaneously. Assuming they deal with it accordingly, they'll be relatively fine after a few weeks/months.

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