Buyfag thread

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Read the guide before asking any questions:

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Kashima cute!

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I can't believe buyfag is ded

Wow buyfag thread, are you okay?

Everyone is too busy F5'ing amico to try and get Senchou. Someone's going to cancel, right? RIGHT!?

Newfag retard doesn't know that you have to put something in the OP or the jannies will nuke the thread.
Also, your gatchashit boat is about as Any Forums related as any random marvel character.

shes still available at other stores, you must be retarded if you are actually doing that

Hello newfag retard, read the fucking guide, thats exactly how you start a thread without it getting nuked. Also Zuikaku is both a manga character as well as a character from the AL anime.

Stop being a newfag retard

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you dont have to put anything on the OP, if anything putting anything on it besides the title will get your shit deleted easier

I can consolidate shipping if I get her from there.4M02D

man the loyalty people have to random stores, especially over saving 10 bucks on shipping is disgusting.

>retarded newfag trying to tell other what the rules are
go back to the shithole you crawled from you pathetic retard

That's just from experience. At this point there's probably been enough churn in staff that the rule doesn't get enforced anymore.

the previous thread died after it got down from page 10, retard. Your newfag is showing

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from your retarded experience you mean, literally read the etiquette section of the guide, that shit hasn't changed for years, and it was never enforced on these threads since their very conception.

your less than a day experience ? no one care

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The only clock figure that doesn't look like tomato vomit.