Was she worth saving?

was she worth saving?

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Thanks for reminding me that I missed out on idealized young love that is eternal

yes,given how cute,adorable and nice she is

I am.

Made for NTR

Love doesn’t exist, only sexual attraction

They saved like three hundred people, so yeah.

Fuck off

Yeah, she's aight

t.fat neckbeard with a Fedora

What is love?

if there was one soul not worth saving, then iesu wouldn't have died on the calvary

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Stfu christcuck, saving your enemies is cringe

Stop watching porn.

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Maybe you didn't. You just don't remember it. Go to the train station, user!

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Stop coping, and accept the fact that you will never please a woman

you too are worth saving

Sexual attraction can take forms that are less widely known than common lust. One of them is called love, or more particularly love-between-a-man-and-a-woman. It reuses a lot of the same machinery that the attachment mechanism to close relatives uses, so we use the same word. It adds a lot on top though.


I only like the version of her that had the dude's personality

Why wouldn't you save her and all the townspeople, given all the godlike intervention that was taking place?

Baby don't hurt me

but i love my mommy :(

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Who’s gonna break the news to this poor cuck?