Characters where the dub voice is canon

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Still best dub of all time

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I feel sorry for the people who fell for this meme. Watch it if you're nostalgic about it, but not if it's your first time through.

Dude i only recently watched YYH so no nostalgiafaggotry is blurring my taste and i can strongly say the dub is extremely fucking good.

I just don't understand why anyone would watch it over the original. The original is great, and you know, how it was made to be watched except for children/illiterates. Every comparison scene I've watched I think the sub is far better. And I don't understand how people can stomach
>you're a meshi!
or anything like that. Do you watch dubbed versions of italian cinema too? I just don't get it.

Dubniggers would prefer to watch all anime in english if the dubs were decent, the only reason they don't is because the dubs are usually bad. Don't swallow their "this one is better than the japanese one" bullshit because they have an innate preference for it, so they argue on the few good dubs that exist. That does not mean any dub is better or should be watched for any reason if you're not infected by this mindset.

Not that user, but Kuwabara is the only voice that I could see being controversial in the dub. (But me personally, I enjoyed it). But yusukes voice, hieis, botans, Koenmas, etc. Just fit their characters better in my opinion.

Although I prefer to watch most anime in it's original subbed form, it's undoubtedly a fact that a lot of Japanese voice actors feel very samey. You don't get this "samey" feeling in any other world cinema. The performances are almost always fantastic, but I also think a lot of them lack character sometimes and come off as rather generic. Granted, dub anime has this problem A LOT too. But there are some times where the dubbed actors just have more charisma than the Japanese actors even if their performances aren't as great, they are more memorable.

Okay, but I don't see you scouring the international dubs for the best one. Do you by this reasoning also watch spanish, italian, norwegian, french etc. dubs for anime too when they are """superior""" to the original work? I think not.

All dubs should be watched over subs. Even Bible Black.

Cowboy Bebop

every show with engrish
its always so painfully bad it makes me want to tear off my ears
but I bet you subniggers enjoy it and find it cute

I mean, there's probably more than often pretty amazing dubs in different languages that I don't know about. I'm not always on the lookout for the "best of the best". I just conveniently compare the English dubs (because it's my native language) to the original Japanese version. Again, I'm not even a huge dub supporter. I think a lot of the English dubs are pretty fucking bad and suffer from the same problem that a lot of subbed anime suffers from. (Voices feeling too samey and generic). But I'll commend the rarities that actually do give their characters more distinct charismatic qualities and vocal tonalities for both sub or dub versions when I see it. (and honestly, it's not very often for either).

dub > sub

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If Asuka and Rei were the only characters, then you'd be right.

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Eva's Dub is Cringe. Literally unwatchable if you watched subs first.

This post takes the cake. Only person I can think of that can compete is Spike. Maybe even hawkeye.

The theme of the thread is CHARACTERS where the dub voice is *superior.* Me posting an image of Misato was not supposed to be indicative of the dub of Eva as a whole, I think it's interesting that both of you chose to interpret it that way.

I find that Misato's original dub voice is incredibly generic, bland, and BORING compared to the ADV dub which gave Misato some pep, charm and charisma.

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In Part 1, mainly

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This. His scream when he's about to stab Scar is pure audio bliss. What a VA.

>Characters where the abridged voice is canon, nyehh

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