
Masterful sakuga...

Attached: 1642741577742.webm (728x410, 2.83M)

Shounenshit eaters deserve death.

Good animation spent badly.


Unironically looks good. You people need to stop being such whiny trannies and learn to appreciate good art.

Is it me or has every super powered villain for last 15 years or so manipulated roots or tendrils that the protagonist has a well animated sequence of running across as they're fired at them?

Trannies are the demographic for this badly animated soulless shit.

The animation is fine. The problem is the compositing. The character animation doesn't line up with the movement of the backgrounds which is what makes it look so off.

you trannies need to stop being so obsessed with trannies

I like the part where they just idiotically run in what looks like a circle

What the fuck is even going on here?

Thank you.
I watched the first episode of this show last night on a friend's recommendation (friend with no taste, first red flag). I actually thought the first episode was competent, but after watching this WEBM, I have no desire to waste my time any further. Cheers!

True art.

I don't blame them, when I myself try to come up with "evil final villain" that's my first idea. Not joking I draw a lot, and it usually comes down to that. It makes them feel bigger I think, like they can do a lot of stuff, and tendrils are stabby and threatening like Venom / Carnage, they're evil.
Might be because we humans are preprogrammed to fear snakes and things with similar bodies. We just know it's no good.
And yeah it gives that nice sequence of powering through the obstacles to reach the goal.

Garbage Narutard bait.

I will admit it does make for some intense moments, but I feel like ever since TTGL's entire finishing sequence against the anti-spiral, people loved the tendril running/dodging sequence so much everyone copied it it.

Kill all jujutsucucks

I think it looks good.

Attached: fact checked.jpg (897x795, 94.02K)

Why does every webm of the 'sakuga' for this series have zero impact and the characters are ice skating around

Naruto vs pain all over again with better animation


Chinese and Korean animators