Is God (One Punch Man) supposed to represent Allah

>allah is sometimes considered as a lunar deity
>opm god watches the earth from the moon
>both are associated with black cube shapes

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ONE can't continue to disrespect THE GREAT ALLAH and his prophet Mohammed(PBUH)

Fuck off retard, it's forbidden to depict Allah as someone that you can see with your eyes

>Shounen thread
>All the menas jump in

You're missing
>the king of liars


huh...when you point it out like this.. it really does seem like Allah

The true God is the man who drew Tatsumaki with a skin-tight outfit that shows no underlying elastic bands for undergarments anywhere on her body

The most blessed thing on this entire world

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but does allah turn people into salt?

>Confusing Allah with Mohammad


I do it on a daily basis, as one should

>he thinks "allah" is the name of God in Islam
Is Amerimutt really this fucking atrocious?
Wait, 47% of Americans recently thought it was inappropriate to teach Arabic numerals in schools. So, yes.

>>allah is sometimes considered as a lunar deity
Brother, you need to get some education

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Allah is the word for God in arabic you retards
Christian arabs worship allah too

Muslims worship the same God jews and christians do

That was my point. That the idiot American didn't know that.
Jews worship the God of Abraham as well.

Monotheism is so boring. And the jews probably just stole from somebody else too.

Yes we know Europe is the capital of Muslim worship, who fucking cares? You understood what he meant.

Early Jews weren't really monotheistic,. they just worshipped their one god over all others. That's why the commandment said "Thou shalt have no other god before me"
It wasn't "don't worship other gods" it was "worship me the most" and several times in the Old Testament, it pretty much states that the Hebrew god was weaker than some other god and that's why the Israelites lost and god enslaved so much.

Zoroastrianism is the oldest monotheistic religion we know to date. It realy influenced jewish religion. But hey Islam only happend becaus a pig heard about a monotheistic religion and wantet to abuse it for power

all wrong this is a homage to Bionicle