Useless character with no purpose beyond fanservice

Useless character with no purpose beyond fanservice

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He gave Saitama the strength to actually defeat Garou.


Why are contrarian retards who still keep reading something they don’t like screeching at Genos now? Saitama/Genos fanservice has been a common trend since the anime aired, why are you surprised just now?



Is he fucking Tatsumaki?

He needs more in his jeans if he's going to be proper fanservice.


Did you not read the latest chapter? kek


>implying OP watches anime/reads manga


>Useless character with no purpose beyond fanservice
Assuming this isn't bait, but seriously did one punch man go over your head?

shut the fuck up right now

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to be fair one could argue this for the vast majority of the OPM cast


Best girl.

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Murata wanked him too much to be considered a meme character