Is One Piece worth reading from the beginning?

I don’t feel like watching thousands of hours of shit anime, I was wondering if the manga was reading after 100 chapters. How does it compare to Golden Kamuy?

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Just start from the latest chapter, the story is only starting now

>look mom I made the joke

I wouldn't bother until we see a little more of how things are gonna pan out. it's taking a turn for the worst at one of the most important parts in the story so it's not looking good. you probably don't wanna get really invested if it turns to shit at the end

It's not a joke. Oda himself said so

No, and the reason for that is because the author is zealusly following this pattern. The story being strung together by a bunch of nonsense mysteries with no payoff for 50+ chapters, while major plot points get sidelined and there's no consistent themes. Congratulations, you're reading a bad manga. Expect a bad ending.

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yes. as long as you read and not watch
take your time with it and good luck.

Honestly the first half of the series is more enjoyable then the 2nd half.

>I was wondering if the manga was reading after 100 chapters
If you're not interested after 100 chapters, just drop it. Anime has some good filler episodes so you might try looking for a list of them if you decide to continue.

>How does it compare to Golden Kamuy?
It doesn't? Why would you even ask that.

According to Oda you can start from 1054

Read until Arlong Park and you should know by then if it’s for you or not

Starting to read/watch a forever series like this is like starting to watch a fucking soap opera like Young and the Restless from the beginning, retarded
Either start from the latest episode or don't watch it at all

Yes. I just did so over the last few weeks, started completely on a whim and was sucked in hard, it was truly amazing. A very long series, but it completely justifies its length somehow. A story unlike any other, I recommend it.
Also this , the anime is decent at times, there's one very good filler arc in particular, called G-8, you watch it after Skypeia (you'll figure out what Skypeia is after you get there). Watch that one, it's only 12 episodes. Otherwise, skip the anime until you finish the manga and will want more.

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The length makes it feel like an adventure
Which it is

how is it a joke when the author himself said so?

>either start reading Jojo from the last chapter or don't read it at all
This is how you sound.

He said it's a good idea to start reading now (from the beginning) because the story is coming to a head.
Not that you should start from the latest chapter, fagnuts.

If they were to watch it, sure. Reading will take under a month, three at most if you're slow. Chill series that's easy to read whenever

Just in case you're not a troll and just retarded - Oda has been saying this since One Piece took off. He adresses little kids who can't afford to buy dozens of volumes, saying that it's okay to start from the beginning of most new arcs, they won't be completely lost. He even has a short summary of previous arcs on the website for them. But we're all pirates here, so you have no excuse to not read it properly.

>Oda has been saying this since One Piece took off.
>Source: my ass

>He said it's a good idea to start reading now (from the beginning)
No, he said it's fine to start reading from here.
Here means post-wano.

You would know if you actually read One Piece. In the manga, he has segments called SBS, where he answers questions from readers, this has been going since volume 1. And multiple times he talked about how One Piece is indeed too big for children to buy, so they shouldn't feel bad about starting from any point they want, and then catch up once they have enough income. He was even overjoyed to hear about One Piece popping up in libraries, because now kids could properly read previous volumes, I think this was around Alabasta, which was one of the arcs from early 2000s.
So don't be a faggot and don't parrot unfunny faggot memes.

Why even bother starting post-TS, during the most lore heavy arcs of the series? It will just come across as another dumb JUMP battle shounen that escalates too quickly

You typed a lot of thing but failed to provide proof.
>Where did Oda said this?
>I-if you actually read.... you would know!
Where's the proof that Oda has been saying that it's ok to skip previous arcs since "one piece took of"?

Ask Oda, not me.
I am not the one that recommended people to skip 25 years of One Piece.

Not OP but where is the source for your claim about Oda saying to start now and ignore all previous chapters? I feel like context or translation is missing something, but you probably know that already.

I mean maybe, the first half of the series is pure magic and you get sucked in so hard, but after the timeskip it starts falling apart

One Piece is an extremely rare case of a long battle shonen that's actually worth reading. All because how ridiculously well-planned it is, you'll see plot points from some chapters play out literally hundreds of chapters later. It's a far cry from Toriyama making stuff up as he went in Dragon Ball. Plus, it's just a damn fun, emotional, and genuine swashbuckler story the likes of which are very hard to find nowadays.

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He responded in English? Do you have the Japanese original source?