Cardcaptor Sakura

The GOAT of Shoujo, and no one can tell me otherwise. PreCure, Sailor Moon, and FuBa don't even compare to this god tier gem.

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Cunny beats everything

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Doremi mogs CCS.
Also it's Furuba, not FuBa. Kind of doubt you know that much about shoujo to begin with.

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Furuba was a certified classic. CCS was nothing more than an attempt by Clamp to create a Pokemon equivalent for female audiences.

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Please understand that different programs are aimed at audiences of different age groups

While these are all female-oriented shows, Precure is explicitly aimed at primary and preschool children under 12, while Sailor Moon and CCS are aimed at secondary school students over 12.

Sailor Moon and CCS is a show based on the Shoujo manga that focuses on Shoujo rather than underage little girls, Precure is a little girl show.

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I hate girls

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What were the little girls shows back when ccs was airing? Did precure exist back then?

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Anne of Green Gables

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CCS is not popular with Japanese elementary school students, because the TV ratings of CCS are very low, but the TV recording rate of CCS is high. Only otaku will record programs on videotapes, and then watch CCS after get off work at night, so CCS was more popular with otaku.

The average TV viewing rate of CCS is only 0.6%, the average TV viewing rate of most children's programs is not less than 2.5%, and the average TV viewing rate of popular children's programs is above 5%, which proves that in the early 2000s, CCS was in 's main fan base can't be elementary school students.

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Average TV ratings for Precure prior to 2010 were above 7%

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Tbf, most Japanese elementary schoolgirls don't actually watch shoujo, they mostly watch Pokemon just like the boys do.

How the hell do you distinguish viewer rate from recording rate?

We literally had ccs on tv here tho, it was just there along with pokemon

>Cardcaptor Sakura
>Revolutionary Girl Utena
>The Vision of Escaflowne
>Magic Knight Rayearth
these are peak shoujo. No other competition.

The problem with shojo is that, much like kodomo, it has been dominated by the same franchises since the 90s. Meanwhile, shonen is constantly evolving.