Kanojo, Okarishimasu

Why is Chizuru so cute when she winks?

Attached: chizuru wink.jpg (1280x720, 135.43K)

I miss Sumi

Ruka a best
Whorezuru a shit

Attached: 1594426038481.jpg (1200x1405, 796.17K)



That's Ruka

S3 won't have much Mami right?

Fuck you, sneaky

Why the fuck are there three threads right now

have they kissed in the manga yet?

The other thread is almost at bump limit.

If there is a season 3, either anime original Mami content or anime original direction a la High School DxD.
Otherwise no

Do you think an S3 could cut out a lot of content?

Episode in 15 minutes

There is nothing to cut in the movie arc.


she's a fucking whore and you're a cuck


Had to drop this garbage halfway through season 1, completely unlikable cast and themes. Especially the grandma.

if the ending is her confessing that's she's had a boyfriend for the entire time and she's pregnant, this will be a 10/10 manga

They actually had a cuck fantasy this episode