Shakugan no Shana

Does/a/ still remember her?

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still watching season 1

I remember the Sabrac fight and Yuuji not being a cuck

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watched it when it aired.

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>best iteration of the tsunderie archetype
>most based shonen MC of all time
Of course I remember.

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Shana is hot.

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Remake when?

still have not watched the final season or read the source metrial
maybeyi never will

Samefag moepower.
Syana is all rage, all edge, and is too busy slicing fools to be moe.

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I remember her cute butt.

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Imagine believing the girl that is constantly on fire isn't moe.

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I want to make out with Shana's cute pink delicious asshole

I still masturbate to her often

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>the new version with breasts
Why, why why.

Have the short stories from Xanadu been translated yet?

de arimasu

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I hate louise, taiga, shana and nagi

I don't even think the original has.

Ah for fucks sake

Yuuji is based.
>turn the whole world upside down to save your waifu
>just about everything works out as planned or better

Threadly reminder:

JOINT > triangle = Hishoku no Sora = Serment > Light My Fire > being = Koubou = Akai Namida = Portamento > Yoake Umare Kuru Shoujo = ONE > All in Good Time = Tenjou wo Kakeru Monotachi > I'll believe = u/n > sense > Aka no Seijaku > BLAZE > Prophecy > Sociometry

It used to be translated but official ones stopped after a couple of volumes or so while the fan TLs got DMCA'd. No idea why they even bothered with the DMCA if they didn't even plan on finishing the official translations.

When the show's main singer returns. So never.

>No idea why they even bothered with the DMCA if they didn't even plan on finishing the official translations.
Because these companies exist to fuck over the fans not help them.

>No idea why they even bothered with the DMCA if they didn't even plan on finishing the official translations
Because these companies make money by keeping IPs hostage, not by translating them.

I would at least understand the takedowns if there were still official translations, but they stopped before the series was even finished. Did they really want fans not to read the LNs or something unless they knew Japanese? It was a really dick move. At least other LNs who had their fan translations get taken down/go underground at least those LNs have official and ongoing translations.

This artist is technically competent, but the content of their work is gross.

They don't care either way. They probably got the rights as a package deal with other series and just did the bare minimum they were legally obligated to do in order to acquire the rights of more series in their next negotiation.
Translation companies are pretty much a scam.

Season 2 kinda sucked. By the time season 3 came out I had lost interest. Was it any good?

Season 3 is way better than season 2, if only because the second season had a lot more anime-original stuff and the third season returned to the plot from the LN. I don't understand why DEEN did it like that since a lot of the characterization and details that helped explain wtf happened from the beginning of season 3 onwards got cut out. It's still good, imo, but it would have been better if that particular decision wasn't greenlit.

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I don't even know what they were fighting about. IIRC the bad guys had a pretty reasonable plan.