Summer 2022 Season Overview

It’s already week 3 of Summer 2022
Let’s review this season together.
Pic related is objective ranking, not including sequels

AOTS is of course Lycoris Recoil. Yuri kino with high production value. It’s great so far and the only downside is Chisato being a huge mary sue with her unironic ultra instinct bullet-dodging hackery which enables her retarded tired pacificst mindset. It's still really good and hopefully it won't share the same fate as Vivy which became garbage halfway through the season.

---- Great
Prima Doll = Reiwa-made Sakura Taisen. Really underated because of Abema Jail retardation.
Isekai Ojisan = Really fun comedy anime. I’m surprised it’s actually good since I dropped the manga long ago because the art is garbage

--- Good
Tokyo Mew Mew Mew = Soulful remake, but in the end, it’s just your typical Battle Shojo anime (for grown men)
Extreme Hearts = Good enough

---Notable Bad
Vermeil = What’s the point of ecchishit without nipples?
Isekai Meikyuu = yet another ecchishit ruined by “serious” plot. I tried reading the manga and it’s like 90% serious shit and 10% sex. Don’t bother.
Ayumu & Filipina Maid = nothing happens, the manga. Don’t bother

---- Notable Dogshit
Yofukashi = How is this ugly shit popular? The femMC is so ugly with street whore aesthetic.
Engage Kiss = The most notably garbage anime with garbage MC this season. Yandere pinkslut, bumfuck MC, femcel ex-gf are all shit. Watch Lycoris instead
Shoot! = faggotry. Go watch Ao Ashi instead.
Warau = zZz
Teppen = the news of episode 2 being cancelled because of Abe was funnier than the actual anime
Hoshi no Samidare = I don’t understand the hypeboner oldfags have for Mizukami. He doesn’t have a single good manga. He’s definitely the most ‘overrated’ ‘niche’ mangaka to exist.

I'm still waiting for Futou Tantei. I've heard good stuff about it. I hope it's actually good.

Overall, this season isn't as good as Spring.
What do you think of the current season?

Attached: Anime Ranking - Summer 2022.jpg (2250x3332, 753.88K)

For Sequels

Classroom of Elite = I don't like chuunishit but for some reason this one is really enjoyable to watch. It has unique charm that I can't explain
Hataraku Maou = watching it just for nostalgia. it's not really funny.
New Prince of Tennis = DBZ tennis. really enjoyable for a fujo series
Love Live Superstar = The most and the only garbage LL series.
Kanokari / Overlord / Made in Abyss / Danmachi / RWBY / Shadow House / Orient / Utawarerumono / Jashin / Luminous Witch = Who the fuck watch these garbage?

>Made in Abyss
troll thread?

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>yuri kino

stopped reading right here

I'm not into animated kids diddling, no.

Troll thread it is then.

What do you like this season?

>Made in Abyss

Lycoris just looks like yurishit with stupid action sequences in. It will shit the bed like 99% of anime originals and be forgotten in 6 months like wonder egg priority.

Except WEP was never good.
Same audience as Flip Floppers.
The truly good original were Sora Yori and Odd Taxi

Lycoris Recoil
Isekai Ojisan
Summer Time Render
Yofukashi no Uta
Love Live! Superstar!! 2

The rest is decent/watchable. I only dropped Yurei Deco and Teppen.


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Lycrois aot, shit thread. Bad bait.

>Overall, this season isn't as good as Spring.
Well, it's summer season, which means a massive drop in viewership, which of course has an effect on the lineup.

Only thing I'm watching now is Classroom of the Elite, will probably watch Danmachi as well just because I've watched the previous seasons, despite it just going downhill.

Overall the season is as weak as to be expected, summer is summer after all.

If an anime has yuri or yuri bait its bad. If you watch these type of anime you need to kill yourself. I bet you are the same people who watched the "women good men bad" isekai.

Attached: woman strong.jpg (1280x720, 95.2K)

Why, yes, I like Akari's fat tits.

i did enjoy the only watchable isekai, that is true.

You are either a femcel or a femcel apologist fuck off.

Holy shit taste.

The previous season was so good.
Too bad Paripi Koumei went to shit. hard. fuck Kabe and fuck Rap.

Attached: Anime Ranking - Spring 2022 - End of Season.jpg (2250x3332, 1.85M)

how could you tolerate the jap girl's dialog I am wondering
she's by far the worst part of the series

the worst part is princess Asuna

Nothing was wrong with the rap, it's just that Kabe was emphasised far too much without playoff.
Should have had more Eiko x Nanami with Kongming watching over them moments instead. Also give Eiko more songs to sing. AOTS would have been secured.

Attached: summer 2022.jpg (1217x1042, 318.81K)

Everything seemed to be alright.

>Too bad Paripi Koumei went to shit. hard. fuck Kabe and fuck Rap.
I seriously don't understand people who says this when the end of the rap arc was one of the best episodes. You should be complaining about Nanami, that's when the show shits the bed.

>Utawarerumono / Jashin
and this is why you're a faggot

Normalfag's "yikes" and "pedo" lists are generally good starting points for what to watch in a season.

I like kami kuzu but I think it's the closest I have ever come to wanting to watch something on fast forward and I am already skipping past the actual singing and dancing parts, i'm a streamfag but i'm tempted to go to the trouble of torrenting it since Hidives player doesn't allow fast forward
also hasn't maid Jahy not even aired yet?

personally I was enjoying kabe and nanami quite ok, both had some really good parts in it, kabes final rap and rooftop singing with Eiko, but what I can't comprehend is the final new song of Eiko which has no rap part and just sounds dull and emtpy, what a waste

I'm curious about this particular list actually since they usually turn a blind eye to /ss/

>unironically paying for stream
the absolute state of nu-Any Forums

yes, akari was kinda shit, too naive and clumsy. menou made up for it though.