Sailor Mars

Talk about best senshi

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Does she have thick black pubes?


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Fap before you post.

It's too early for that shit, user.

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90's anime Mars is superior to her manga self and the animators/directors made the right call to make her more interesting, feminine and act more like a teenage girl rather than a middle-aged woman.

Why are the senshi so breedable?

Is it just me or is it hard to find good porn/lewds for the senshi? There are zero good doujins, and quality art is relatively scarce. I'd expect a lot more for a show this old/popular with a female main cast.

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I like her hair the most.

Attached: Sailor Mars Transformation.webm (720x480, 1.86M)

I'm sure Comiket's of eld had an abundance of Sailor Moon doujinshi, but this was the 90s. Such relics don't just find their way to internet and the west.

I think you are just too picky user

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jupiter and her lucious thighs.

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One has to copy the style first and foremost and I've to guess only a few are motivated enough to at least try copying the show's style and lewd it too.
Which reminds me that I really need to at least try copying the 90's show style. My early attempts are pretty mediocre.

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Thanks for making me discover a new artist

Yeah I think generally the 90's lewds were better.

Not gonna deny this, I totally am but I still feel there's a lack of stuff out there.

Nice job user. Drawing is one of the few hobbies I've tried but I fucking suck, good on you.

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I'm not a big fan of any version of Mars but the anime depiction definitely feels more like a three-dimensional person than "I hate men just because."

Misandrist manga Rei should be locked in a room with misogynist anime Jadeite. They will end up either killing each other or fucking.

>hard to find good porn/lewds for the senshi

Low area, high density. Soft and silky.

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Imagine the fucking smell

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