Do you have a favorite jobber? For me, it's Kazemon

Do you have a favorite jobber? For me, it's Kazemon.

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Did she ever win a single fight?

Only her third fight with Ranamon iirc.


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built or rape

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Digimon Frontier.

>Tenshinhan fucking killing himself training to actually learn the mafuba accomplishes dick
>Goku drinking the powercreep water that totally existed, wins
>it's not even the worst implementation of this rushed garbage

fuck powerlevel number faggotry


I thought there has never been any super water that makes you stronger, just Goku growing stronger through zenkais.

Probably Weiss from RWBY to be honest
She won her first fight in season 7 for God's sake. A shameful display for a main character

So what, was he drinking just regular poison then?

It would make that garbage zenkai bullshit have been planned on retrospect (as if lmao) but it'd imply Korin wanted to fucking kill Goku then, I don't think he's that evil. Or maybe he did know Goku was a fucking alien that gets stronger when the plot needs him to be stronger after a loss.

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No, it's pretty clearly implied that the actual water helped him unlock his full potential (the oozaru shows up in some of his attacks). Zenkais didn't show up until later


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I know this is a kinda stupid question but, why is that all human-like mons have their eyes covered?

>Probably Weiss from RWBY to be honest
Does escaping those Grimm count?

For me, it's Asuka.

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Remember that this is the POINT. Dragonball was primarily a gag manga, even if the editors forced it to become a more serious battle story. Toriyama thought it was funny if the hard working guy that trained up for super secret technique, failed because of stupid circumstances, while the hero, who didn't train at all, wins the day.

The only correct answer

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I love Noi but I think she loses every fight she's in

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