Are Japan's censorship laws getting stricter?

Are Japan's censorship laws getting stricter?

Attached: abe.jpg (371x355, 59.95K)

I don't know, why the fuck are you asking me?

No. Japanese artists are responding to increased international attention and censoring their own work to avoid drawing attention to themselves, as is typical of japan.

Wrong board, fuckface. Take your shitty bait elsewhere.

Suck the skin off my dick

Yes. Can’t even do batsu games on tv anymore

Japan recently passed a law making saying mean comments online a crime punishable by prison. It's headed towards China and UK tier here.


There's new hate and defamatory speech laws, BUT

The current wave of censorship on anime and manga isn't coming from lawmakers, it's coming from ethics boards being created by broadcasters and publishers.

Everyone wants China and US money now, so there is a race to make their content 'acceptable' and get half-black, half-japanese people in administrative positions, and western leftists are making pushes for administration too, these days.

>Fuck over their culture and and nation and make their peoples lives a living hell just so they can make a profit
What the fuck is wrong with these people

China doesn't need to pass laws to send people to prison. Everythung's already forbidden there. Even that which is explicitly allowed.

>Everyone wants China and US money now
Make sense

Attached: Japanese hate weebs.webm (576x1024, 1.97M)

That's capitalism for you.

Censorship in my jew-occupied nippon? Impossible.

It's not the laws, it's other factors.
For instance Comic LO recently increased censorship but the censorship level in the Tenma Comics LO tankobon hasn't changed.

That's the Jewish Question, user.
and this is only half right.
We have to oppose capitalism insomuch as it is a system that has been commandeered to benefit the jew. But note that that doesn't mean one should support communism or socialism either.

not really. on tv maybe.

Not really.

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Who killed themselves this time?

It's worse than laws, it's the companies themselves doing it.
Everyone wants American and Chinese money which means no sex or violence

>Wrong board

Wow if only censorship affected uhh hmm manga and anime, imagine that