Why do people watch anime dubbed...

Why do people watch anime dubbed? Looking for a serious answer here since nobody watches a normal live action film for example a Korean one yet people persist on watching anime dubbed

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Why are you asking us? No one watches dubbed anime here

I do.

Because they are fucking retarded. I seriously gave a lot of them a chance, and the voices are shit or the voice acting sounds worse than abridged, but German dub is good, sometimes polish

Dubs are pure reddit

I listen to dubbed anime sometimes. Like when gaming and whatnot. If the dub isn't TOO shit, of course. Not everything needs visuals.

Because they are illiterate

you're trying too hard to fit in

Just wondering

But how are there so many dub watchers? I used to know people who would only watch dubs of shows yet they couldn't explain why

So chads who watch older anime that never got dubbed for USA won't need to deal with shitposters who only watch popular shounen or seasonal shit

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90% of time English dub is garbage, I don't know what they trying to sell

enjoy your ban

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Im not just saying it for le reddit hate, look up any older anime recommendation thread on reddit and they always suggest you to watch the dub,

English anime voice actors are genuinely bad, I don't think they know anything about acting and they just get picked up because there's so few of them.

Some people want to not have to look at the bottom of the screen the whole time, so it is easier for them to watch the animation. Or maybe they are really slow readers ig

They use a union, this is kind of why it sucks. I don't know if jp actors do but they are leagues more talented since they just pick the best seiyuu. You can't do that with unionization

Watching Yu-Gi-Oh dubbed is the only real way to watch it

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what for?

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>Why do people watch anime dubbed?
I grew up with the dubs that were on TV back then. I prefer dubs when they're good, or even decent to just mediocre, which is what I think the majority of them are. But when they're bad I have no problems with switching over to subs. Honestly I probably watch more subbed now, the only stuff I watch with the dub is stuff I have nostalgia for now.
>since nobody watches a normal live action film for example a Korean one
I'm sure some people do.

hollywood actors are unionized and they are more famous than any seiyuu you know

IT probably also helps that voice acting is considered a proper career there with schools and the works whereas a lot of voice work in America is done by failed or aspiring actors just doing what work they can find.

this might have been true in the age of boomer anime doughnuts memes, although even then NGE and Bebop had top tier voice acting as did the Disney dubs of Studio Ghibli films
most dubs today do quality work

They are fake anime fans who have only watched three anime in total to get on the bandwagon with as little effort as possible.

thats just Any Forums

>Looking for a serious answer
Many reasons. Nostalgia, convenience, or if it's the first version I was exposed to. A few times a dub can even be better, and often dub dialogue is funnier than Japanese version (also a shitty dub can be entertaining to listen to). I don't see a reason to care which version I watch, and usually I only end up watching dubs on TV (rarely anymore) or in YouTube clips. For anime I like, I'll watch both anyways probably (though there's a few anime I've only seen dubbed for the most part). But honestly, if I really wanted to read shit, the Manga is probably better anyways