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Picked up, thanks for the rec chud.

sauce pls user? Reverse image and archive are not giving results

Exorcist won't be corrupted. Or something

Is this written by a woman?
Imagine fucking complaining about fat shaming and body standards in an action series

It has to be.

only women can be stupid enough to believe any of what is written here. Woman have it easy. you can be overweight and still have guys come for you in droves. If you are a guy and fat that is a different story.

Have you ever thought about the notion that women don't necessarily want guys to come in droves after them

I don't think you understand anything I just typed. read the fucking page. even fat women can get boyfriends easily. Pretending like society treats unattractive women unfairly is delusional.

Very rare cases are fat overweight women treated like goddesses in modern times. It is the same for fat men, there are people who love them.

But men and women always want to complain about something.

That's what made you drop it? It's not like this manga is particularly good in the first place

the scales are overwhelmingly tipped in the favor of women. women have unrealistically high standards for men a while men generally don't have high standards. It may seem like they are equivalent but they are not. fat guys are treated worse than fat women. especially in modern times with all the "body positivity" nonsense which also only applies to women.

This is the second time you tried this with this manga, stop trying to shitpost with it to get people interested. It's not gonna work

When someone posts a page like this with and says "dropped" what they really mean is "Hey Any Forums check it out a found a controversial page, discuss it and please reply to me"

I hope both of you are are sageing this thread.

>second time
sorry that wasn't me. also I will not be reading this any longer

I really hate how sympathetic they are to the demon colaborators without calling them out on their own bullshit like the bitch who was working for Asmodeous, she joined him because he offered her a way out of her own bullying but was more than happy to help him oppress others by funding violent hate groups

>sorry that wasn't me. also I will not be reading this any longer
You don't have to lie nobody is gonna fucking do anything to you for trying to advertise anyway. There are just better ways than stoking shitty culture war controversies

I don't mind people doing it, just posting "hey guys I want to talk about this manga" won't get as many replies

I know guys get away with putting zero effort into their appearance, but that's not in any way something to aspire to. And what's even the cost, really? Not getting laid? If you mean to say you're relying entirely on your looks to be taken seriously and make progress in your career, then that's just silly in itself.

We are talking about Japanese society here. If their media is anything to go by you will get labeled a fatty for having a figure considered slim elsewhere.

and fat guys there are treated like commodities. they rent fat guys in japan. No matter where you are or what culture men are always treated worse than women.

I seriously have no idea who the fuck you are talking about. this is my first time posting this series on here. go be a schizo somewhere else please.

>Still playing dumb
Whatever man, regardless there are better ways to get people to read this book beyond stirring the pot