I remember when I watched Soul Eater for the first time I just went... 'meh'. And, I'm not sure why

I remember when I watched Soul Eater for the first time I just went... 'meh'. And, I'm not sure why.

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the plot was meh, I just like the style

thinly veiled Soul Eater thread

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I don't hate the series, but I don't care for it either. Would facefuck Maka though.

for me its the retarded gun

She looks 12. You're disgusting, and should not be trust around children.

Cringe as fuck.

Enjoy prison, because not even prisoners like pedos

>this is brain on freedom

Not even that user, just saying you're a retard.

Just a shitty Bleach ripoff

It's nothing like Bleach and OhKubo is easily the better -Kubo

The anime was better than the manga

The manga is better than the anime

I liked the anime ending aside. Makas voice was pure sex just as everything else about her.
I just bought and read first 3 manga volumes and the arstyle changed like in few chapters. Not like its bad, I really like Okhubos style in general. It's one of my favourite shonens for sure but its still just a shonen

that's not an argument

nah, Crona getting a happy ending with his future wife Maka is better than him incelraging so hard he makes eceryone obsesed with tits

perhaps (you) were an underaged faggot

It's a botched adaptation that covers only a third of the manga

Manga gave Black Star a lot of development and it was interesting to see Justin turn evil
Baba yaga arc was also much better

Crona's bittersweet manga ending is much better than the happy sappy anime end. boob ending is kino