Do zoomer children like Studio Ghibli films like previous generations did...

Do zoomer children like Studio Ghibli films like previous generations did? It sometimes seems like children's attention spans get shorter and shorter as the years go by, to the point where even something like Spirited Away might be seen as "boring" now. Not to mention the fact that Ghibli hasn't made a traditionally animated film in 8 years.

I'm aware that not everybody is a Ghibli fan, but they've historically been pretty well liked. So do kids still like them or are they too busy watching Minecraft let's plays?

Attached: laputa-castle-in-the-sky-studio-ghibli.jpg (1224x765, 74.73K)

Do we look like people with kids to you?

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Dumb wojaktard. You're not special just because you were born a year earlier than the people you are obsessed with.

Kids still love animated movies although everything aimed at them is soulless 3D CGI garbage. You could definitely show a six year old Totoro or Laputa and have them get invested I'm sure still today.

The only Ghibli movie I like is Totoro because of the loli bath scene

Built for BBC

my 7 year old nephew loved totoro.

Honestly I watched Totoro for the first time earlier this year, and I found it enjoyable. The beginning was a bit irritating, but they acted kinda like actual kids, so it didn't bother me too much. Same for Laputa, it had good pacing.

Totoro is the best movie Ghibli has ever released in my opinion and one that will stand the test of time better than any other. I watched it when I was six and didn't know anything about Japan or the cultural things they referenced in the movie and I was still captivated by it. Having rewatched it recently as well as an adult it holds up to say the least.

They have screenings of the films every year basically in America now so I imagine so

I have shown Castle in the Sky, Totoro, Howl's Moving Castle and Spirited Away to my niece (7) and nephew (4) and they both liked them.

Attached: Totoro.png (486x658, 262.7K)

Stop acting like being born 10-15 years earlier makes you a different species.

I just know you're not even older then 25

>wahhh zoomer boomer doomer pee pee poomer
nobody cares

When you weren't raised on youtube autoplay you literally are a different species.

They probably be like "They made movies based on the lo-fi girl?"

A) if we're talking about literal ≤10 year old children, they have pretty much never had attention spans to begin with
B) Ghibli has lots of pretty colors and constant physical movement, it's very palatable for kids

Kill yourself newfag.

The technology advancement (and corporate greed) in that period of time changed a lot.

user, sorry to break it to you but... you're old.

You're the dirty, smelly, lonely old man who screams at kids in public in rage when they dare to exist. You're lonely, unwanted, and will struggle to find a priest for your funeral.